Time's Up

41 1 0

Request: no

Warings: no

He was your best friend.

But you had to lie. You had to.


Because you didn't want him to dry up his tear ducts.

The class stood around in a circle; about to read off how much time they had left- it became displayed on their wrists at exactly 12:00 pm.

Ochaco went first.

"I have 45 years and 2 months left."

She was safe for the most part.

Denki was next.

"64 years and 8 months, man."

Him too.

Then went Ojiro.

"34 years and 5 months."

"72 years."

"57 years and 4 months."

"81 years and 3 weeks."

Then came your turn.

2 months and 3 weeks.

"58 years and a month."

Izuku nudged you, a happy smile on his face.

"See? I told you that you had nothing to worry about!"

You stared at the floor but quickly regained your composure.


In class the next day, you were reserved.


The day after that, you learned to accept it. Life wasn't fair.

You chatted and talked with all of the classmates you didn't normally speak with.

You made multiple plans throughout the upcoming weekends.

The class had started to notice you had gotten more lively. Maybe you had jut gotten over the shock?

Boy, were they wrong and right at the same time.

You were never in your own dorm room.

Always either spending the night at Izuku or Mina's room.

You were trying your hardest to live the rest of what little time you had left to the fullest.

You were never going to be able to become the pro hero you wanted to be.

One day, 2 months and a week after the timers, you were out and about with Izuku.

You wanted so badly to tell him today how you felt, but what if he actually liked you back? You couldn't just date him for two weeks and then die on him like that.

"Oh my gosh! Look Y/n! They have matching All Might and Mirko onesies! We should get matching!"

You wanted to cry.

"Sure! L-let's do it!"


That night, as Izuku lay in his bed sound asleep, you sat at his desk, his desk lamp on at dim, and began writing letters to your loved ones.

Firstly, Mr Aizawa.

Dear Mr Aizawa,

You're probably the best teacher I've ever had. I still can't make up my mind whether it's because you're a pro hero or because you're like a dad to me. The dad I never had. I'm so sorry you had to find out like this.

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