PART 7 🌺

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uthor pov ~

Soon jungkook and yn reach arcade and jungkook was very happy  but yn was just silently standing beside him

Jungkook : hey are you not happy to come here

Yn : i am

She said but with a straight face and jungkook just look at her but soon smile

Jungkook : don't worry you will enjoy here

And yn nod at him

Jungkook : do you like shooting game

Yn : i have tried it before but I'm not that good

Jungkook : it's ok I will teach you come

They both go to shooting game and yn take the gun to shoot and even after trying for 3 times she didn't shoot perfectly so jungkook go backside of her and hold the gun with her

Jungkook : first decide the aim from here * he show her the point * then focus and shoot

And they shoot at the right place while yn smile looking at the place where they shoot

Jungkook : now you try

Yn did and she shoot the aim perfectly and smile while jungkook just admire her

Jungkook : you know you look so beautiful when you smile

After listening to it her smile drop as again she remembered all her pain which she forgot for a while

Jungkook  : hey what happened  ?

Yn : nothing

Saying that she go to other side and jungkook follow her he don't know why she is behaving like this but he felt sad for her

Jungkook : have you ever been to korea before

Yn : yeah once when I was 5 but I can speak Korean because my grandma teach me

Jungkook : oh

Yn : hmm don't you Wana play other game

Jungkook : you really did forget me * he whisper *

Yn : sorry  ?

Jungkook : nothing let's go

Then they play some different games but it was mostly jungkook yn was just watching him silently jungkook was not liking her silence but didn't said anything as he understand that she didn't like to talk much

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