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Overdoes || Natori
"Overdose kimi to futari yarusenai hibi
Kaizoudo no warui yume wo mitai
Overdose kimi to futari amai hattari
Don't stop it music, darling"


A man with light blue hair stood near a aok wooden door.
M/n's dorm to be precise. Holding a flower pin in his hand.
He's been standing there for 5 minutes. Shying away as he fiddled with the pin.

He was contemplating whether or not to knock. everytime he comes close, he would recall that sneak kiss he gave
M/n the other day. Abyss took a deep breath and finally knocks on the door.



Abyss waited for a few seconds before the door opened. His smile dropped when the person who answered the door isn't the one he hoped to see. Instead it was...

Rayne Ames.

"Uhm...is M/n here?" Abyss nervously asked.
Rayne noticed the man infront of him and glared.
"What do you need?" Raynee brushed off the first question abyss asked.

"M/n forgot his flower pin yesterday...is he here?" Abyss tried to take a look inside the dorm room, trying to see a certain H/c haired male. However, Rayne blocked him.
"Just give it to me, I'll hand it to him" Rayne held his hand out for him to put the pin

"I'll hand it to him. Where is he?" Abyss refused, wanting an excuse to see M/n and maybe even spend time with him again.

"It'll be easy if you leave it here with me" Rayne's eyes twitched a bit. In truth, he just wanted a reason to talk to
M/n since he's currently mad at him.

And Abyss was the reason why he's mad right now.

"I'll just go to him, i have something to say to him" abyss lied, just so Rayne will tell him the presidents whereabouts.
"He's mad right now so I don't think he's in the mood to talk" Rayne confessed. Knowing Abyss would overthink the situation out.

"O-oh...um...then I'll...leave this to you. Please give it to him" Abyss was on edge. A million thought was swirling around his head.

Why was M/n mad? Does he know that he kissed him secretly while he was taking a nap?

Abyss didn't want to face M/n for now. He handed Rayne the pin and excused himself out. Rayne smirked, feeling victorious. He looks at the flower pin on his hand.

'i wonder what M/n is doing outside right now...'
"This can't be...i-i earned two coins last year as a first year!" Silva said in disbelief, gasping for air after getting punched by Mash which causes him to roll around the dirt about 10 meters.

Mash could care less about the white haired man's complaints and rants as he slowly approached him.

"My magic is top-tier among the second-years! I have the skills" Silva rampages and summoned another boulder of crystal towards the man nearing him.

Mash clenched his fist, making his veins visible. He retreats his arm, ready to launch a punch at Silva. The said man punched the crystal along with Silva, causing him to spit out blood.

While this was happening, M/n was healing Dot. Having the male's head lay on his lap.
"Quite struggling so much, I can't focus" M/n was trying to keep the squirming man still.
"I can't just sit still while that mushroom head is fighting that psycho!" Dot exclaimed, M/n sigh heavily figuring Dot won't stop until he use force.

SeeHearSpeak •[MASHLE]• x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now