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161. Chapter 161 Xixi disappeared2024-03-12 Author: Thirteen Nights in Beicheng  Sheng Tinglan smiled nonchalantly and said: "So what if the mission fails? What impact will it have on you? Anyway, if it fails, the worst thing is that your system will be gone and your eldest brother will become a puppet completely. But it won't hurt you, no." Really?"

  When Luo Xixi heard Sheng Tinglan say this, she really wanted to beat this guy up.


  Even if Sheng Tinglan recognized her and expressed his love to her in various ways, how could human nature change so easily? Sheng Tinglan is a selfish and vicious person. He only cares about the people he cares about. He can watch other people who have nothing to do with him suffer without blinking an eye.

  So even though the person Sheng Tinglan cares about now is her, she is not affected, but Luo Xixi still hates Sheng Tinglan and feels that this person is vicious and scary. She doesn't need someone who loves her, because once such a person changes his mind, he will Falling out is ruthless.

  "Xixi, let's go. Don't worry about these people. Whether it's your system or your big brother, it's just a passing moment. Anyway, you will forget about them before long. Why bother to fight for them?"

  Sheng Tinglan said He was about to hold Luo Xixi's hand, but Luo Xixi avoided him.

  Her eyes gradually became colder and she said: "Sheng Tinglan, why do you think I will forget them soon? They are all really good people to me. I, Luo Xixi, repay my kindness and treat me well. I will remember them all my life, and as for those who treat me badly, I can remember them all my life!"


  After hearing Luo Xixi's words, Sheng Tinglan's eyes flickered, and he put down his hand, and asked in a faint voice : "Xixi, am I the person you said was bad to you?"

  Luo Xixi gave Sheng Tinglan a look that meant she could do something about it: "That's what you think."


  Sheng Tinglan smiled coolly again. Twice, "So you will never leave me no matter what, right?"


  Luo Xixi said firmly: "I love this world and want to be with everyone, Sheng Tinglan, if you are really right I still have some friendship, please let me go, I really need to complete the task as soon as possible."

  Luo Xixi's eyes were sincere, she really hoped that Sheng Tinglan would be soft-hearted.


  How can people who are used to being selfish and cruel change easily?
  The corner of Sheng Tinglan's mouth curled up, his eyes became colder and colder, and he said decisively: "Impossible, I will never let you go, you will never see those people again! The Luo family, including Yan Yu!"

  Luo Xixi: "!!!"

  The box in reality.

  Luo Xizhou and Luo Xinian waited for Luo Xixi for a while, but Luo Xixi did not come back.

  "Why is Xixi so slow?"

  Luo Xizhou frowned.

  Luo Xinian was also puzzled and said, "Didn't that girl fall into the toilet?"

  "Xinian, don't talk nonsense."

  Luo Xizhou stopped him, and then said seriously: "Xixi is so big, but the hole in the toilet is so small. "How did you fall in?"

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