My Streamer, And a Lunch With My Roomate

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Xie Lian let out a sigh of relief as he closed the door. The pair sat in silence in front of the door for a moment, as Shi Qingxuan seemed to be recalling the directions to the dining hall.

The silence didn't last for long as the two behind the door began to talk, which quickly escalated into bickering.

Perhaps Xie Lian should suggest couples counseling. 

He sighed, this time out of frustration, as the silence between them finally dropped and Xie Lian spoke. 

"So, you know where the dining hall is, right?" He ran his fingers through his hair, needing to do something with his hands. The silence was anything but comforting. "I looked at a map on the website, but, aha, I didn't think to memorize it.."

"Of course I do! No need to fret," Shi Qingxuan gave a reassuring smile, "Just thinking." 

Xie Lian was going to ask, but didn't want to invade their privacy, so he thought twice and decided to shut up. 

"Here, lets go, oh my stars I can already hear those two." Shi Qingxuan sighed, rubbing their temples before turning, "Lian Lian, I am so sorry."

As Shi Qingxuan began to walk, so did he, and he tilted his head at that comment. "Why?" Shi Qingxuan hadn't done anything wrong?

"I'm sorry you had to deal with those two for so long! No offense, they seem like wonderful people, but not while they're in a room together." Oh. That made more sense. 

"They can be a bit much, sometimes. I'm sorry Qingxuan," Xie Lian shook his head. Had he already made a bad impression?? "If I knew how to assemble furniture myself, they wouldn't be here." 

"No need to apologize, they're just boys, after all." Xie Lian let a small chuckle out at that.

The two walked in silence for a moment. There was something Xie Lian wanted to ask, but what if he offended them? That would be terrible. He wanted to make a good impression on his, hopefully, friend.

"Hey, Shi Qingxuan? I have a question." 

"Yeeeesss?" They tilted their head, smiling at him.

"Ah, what gender are you? I mean, you look both masculine and feminine, it's hard to tell. but I'm also really dumb sometimes so, aha, that might be why I can't tell. I'm sorry if this sounds rude, you're just really androgynous and-"

God, it may be good to shut up now.

He had a habit of rambling on and on when he was nervous, mostly in an attempt to find the right words to explain himself or the situation. Had he offended them? Surely so, there was no reason they wouldn't be. Already he had made his roommate hate him. Way to go, Xie Lian.

But, to his surprise, instead of seeming offended, their face seemed to light up. 

"Really? You think I look androgynous?" Shi Qingxuan had paused in their tracks and turned around to face him, a huge smile on their face, "Ahh, thank you! That's the best compliment anyone has ever given me!"

So... not offended?

"To answer your question, I'm genderfluid. I'm hoping you know what that means?" 

"Yes, roughly."

"Good, great!" Shi Qingxuan clapped their hands together, as they turned back around and began to walk again. "I wear bracelets depending on the pronouns I'm using that day, see?"

Shi Qingxuan held their arm out, they were wearing three beaded bracelets on their wrist. One was pink, one was blue, and one was yellow.

"If I'm wearing pink, she/her! Yellow is for they/them, and blue is for he/him. If I'm wearing all, I'm okay with any." Shi Qingxuan beamed as Xie Lian observed the bracelets on their wrist. Today was an 'any' day, it seems. 

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