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   Kankri worked three part time jobs to keep himself and his brother afloat. He had dropped out of college half way through the first semester, but somehow this still wasn't enough. He was doing all he could, but didn't want to trigger anyone by the way he behaved. Kankri was doing all he was willing to, but this was coming to a point where he was going to have to step out if his comfort zone. He thought this almost every morning. Especially this cloudy Tuesday.

This thought raced through his head multiple times as he mindlessly followed his morning routine.

"Have a good day, Karkat." Kankri called down the stairs to his little brother just before the door slammed shut. He sighed depressingly as he grabbed his first uniform top as well as the other two, stuffed them into separate ziplock bags, shoved them into a small drawstring bag. He tucked his white tank top into the black pants he wore for each job and began running to the first one. Kankri arrived at his first job and it went just as smoothly as any other day. After his shift was over, he stripped himself of his shirt and stuffed it back into the ziplock bag.

Jogging to his other job, he was honked at twice from different cars and found this relatively sickening. This triggered him a little more than slightly, but ignored it all the same. The second job, he worked as a Henna artist. He conversed with the other artist after he arrived.

"Hey. I know you aren't doing so well right now and everything, but I may have found you a way to earn more than all of the jobs you work combined." Floyd whispered excitedly.

"What is it?" Kankri asked excitedly.

"You may not like it, though." He warned.

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