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"Well, I can't do much, but I can do anything simple." Kankri pulled his shoulders up to his jaw and effectively made Cronus go crazy.

"You keep being so damn cute, I might have to keep you." Cronus chuckled and Kankri laughed with him. A moment of silence as Cronus took another long drag from his cigarette and saw Kankri looking at him.

"You smoke?" Cronus held the cigarette out to him.

"No." Kankri spoke as he accepted the cigarette from the man and inhaled smoothly. Without a hitch, he leaned his head against the back of the couch while exhaling and handed the cigarette back to Cronus. Kankri noticed the confused expression Cronus had on his face.

"My father was a smoker." Kankri explained stood from the couch and collected his shirt from the floor not too far away from the couch. "I think it's about time I head home."

"You don't have to go, Kankri." Cronus finished off the cigarette and stood up to wrap his arms around Kankri's waist and tugged him backwards onto the couch. Kankri turned to face Cronus and giggled as he felt Cronus's hands hold his lower back.

"Believe me. I don't want to, but I think Floyd is starting to miss you." Kankri smiled sweetly as if on cue, his phone began to ring. Cronus chuckled and pulled the phone out of his pocket and held it up to his ear.

"Hello? Yeah I wanna keep 'im!" Cronus laughed. Kankri rolled his eyes, climbed off of Cronus's lap and pulled his sweater on. He then retrieved Cronus's shirt and handed it to him. He then A few 'Okay's and 'yeah's come from Cronus before he hung up.

"Where do you think you're going?" Cronus asked as he stood up.

"I was just going to leave you and Floyd to talk in peace." Kankri's shoulders tensed up again and gave Cronus puppy eyes.

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