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1 hour later  

I sat blindfolded in the torture room, tied to the metal bed. Every noisemade me jump then my body quivered with fear as I waited for ... what, Ididn't know. Was Raul selling me off right now? Were one of those mengoing to own me? Kai? Would Raul have Alfonzo "train" me first?The waiting was driving me senseless.Never knowing when anyone was coming. Afraid of the creak in thefloorboards. Of a distant scream. Of how the air in the room shifted.The sound of Logan's footsteps as he walked away echoed over andover in my mind. He'd left me. He gave me to Raul. He didn't argue. Heacted as if I was nothing to him.He told me he would, but I always had this crazy, far-off idea that he'ddefend me. He may have brought me here and kept me in this place, buthe'd also protected me against it too.I was wrong.He'd walked away.He didn't care if I was sold or killed.Logan walked away from me.The door burst open, and I emitted a tiny scream, but I didn't cry. Iwouldn't. No one deserved my tears in this place.Hands grabbed my wrists, and I recognized them. Logan's. It wasn'tAlfonzo or Jacob. Was he going to torture me? Was he the one taking me toa new owner? Could he be that cruel?He took off the ropes on my wrists then tore off my blindfold andhelped me stand.

Our eyes locked.And somehow I knew. Whether I felt it or saw it in his expression, Ididn't know, but the man standing in front of me was the man I used tolove."One chance at this. One. We aren't ready, but there's no choice. He'sselling you and ... Mouse, get changed. Now." It was then I noticed theclothes on the bed. Logan grabbed the front of the black lace dress andripped it off me then threw it aside. I stood dumbstruck, staring until hisvoice cut through my shock. "Clothes. Now."He picked up what looked like an oversized black T-shirt and a pair ofjeans and tossed them at me, then walked back to the door. I kept looking athim as I changed, uncertain what was happening. There was a sterndetermination on his face, unrelenting and dangerous as he put his ear to thedoor.I was doing up the zipper of the jeans when he strode towards me. "Ineeded you gone ten minutes ago—move it." He grabbed my arm just asthe door burst open again. Logan shoved me so hard behind him that I fellto my butt."What the ... Sculpt?" Alfonzo's eyes went from me to Logan. "Whatare you doing here? She's sold, Sculpt. I'm taking her to her new owner.""No." Logan's voice was steady and calm. "That is not going tohappen."I climbed to my feet.Alfonzo's eyes kept darting between me and Logan. "Your father willcrucify you, then her."Father? What? My eyes widened, and I staggered backward until myback hit the damp cement wall. Raul?Oh God. Logan was Raul's son? Logan was Raul's son."Maybe. But I get to live with the satisfaction of what I've wanted to dofor weeks."

Logan took two strides and swung hard and fast, his fistconnecting with Alfonzo's jaw and sending him back into the wall. "You.Are. Scum. A parasite." Logan hit him again and blood splattered from hisnose and upper lip.Alfonzo grunted and tried swinging back, but he was no match forLogan, and as soon as he went for his gun, Logan kicked it from his hand,and it went sliding across the floor."You touched her. That was your mistake." Logan continued to punchAlfonzo again and again until Alfonzo was lying on the ground unmoving. Iwas staring, watching, confused and not knowing what the hell was goingon except that Alfonzo looked dead and Logan was covered in his blood.I glanced at the gun then back to Logan who stood over Alfonzo staringdown at the motionless form. I didn't know what was going on, but I wasn'tletting the chance escape me.I dove for the gun.My fingers curled around the butt, and I jumped to my feet just as Iheard Logan's voice."Emily. Put the gun down."I shook my head back and forth as the gun trembled in my hand while Ipointed it at him. "No. I'm getting out of here. And you're not stoppingme."He took one step forward, and I steadied the gun with my other handthen cocked the hammer."You're right. You are getting out of here, but not on your own, and Ithink you know that. I'm going to help you."I backed up as he came forward. "No. I don't believe you. Why wouldyou do that? You brought me here. You've kept me here. He's your ... he'syour father. That man is ..." I couldn't say it again; it made me sick to mystomach to think I'd willingly slept with that bastard's son."Put the gun down." He held out his hand. "I never lied to you."

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