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On the eighth day, Kiana announced, "We're running out of food, what will we do once we have none left?" "Kill someone to eat?" Alia joked, she and Beatrice laughing. Kiana nodded. "Perfect idea! Thanks Alia!" Alia laughed, "I was just joking!" She looked at Kiana's serious face, she wasn't gonna let go of the idea. "Okay, you're really gonna do it," she said, backing away. Kiana's face turned into a small grin. "Okay... Who should we sacrifice?" Everyone looked around the room, pointing fingers at everyone. "Raise your hand if we should sacrifice Ketchup!" (editor's note: Is your thinking leading you to believe he will taste like ketchup?? Hmm.. I must test. -intrigued Patrick...) Xiai cried. Everyone's hand shot up, even Ketchup's. "Okay, I think we have a winner, say goodbye, Ketchup!" Kiana said. "Who wants to do the honors?" The class argued on and on. Later that day, Ketchup was dead.

Ketchup's last words were "Why me?"

"I call cooking him!" Alia cried. "Woah woah woah," Madelle Roine said. "We're not doing that just yet, we still have some food to eat before we eat Ketchup!" Alia groaned. "I'm still gonna prepare to do it," she said, sprinting into the kitchen.

Mr. Couzens, Entry 08
Well, our food was getting low so some people decided to find some more. Here I was thinking that meant someone knew how to cook.... NOPE! Alia came up with the wonderful idea to sacrifice someone, and Ketchup volunteered. I mean, I get he wanted to help out, but did he know what sacrifice means?? Things are getting a bit wacky and wild, and everyone is turning on each other. As for me, I'm doing alright. Would've preferred Mustard, but I guess Ketchup will do.

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