☆゚.*・。゚ Ice cream for two?... (Xiao)

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notes! this takes place in modern AU


it was a hot sunny day with your bestfriend xiao. you both just got out from school and when you got outside, the sun shone brightly on your face. you were looking for xiao when someone placed their hand on your shoulder. you were a bit shocked but you knew it was xiao.

"xiao! ugh i didn't know it will be this sunny today." you complained, faking wiping the sweat on your forhead. "i didn't know too..." xiao did nothing but to stare at the sun. his hands trying to cover is face but not exactly his eyes from the sun (if you know what i meannn).

just then an idea popped on your mind. "xiao! why don't we get ice cream!?" you asked him in full energy and happiness. "oh sure. i guess that's a good plan." xiao answered. he didn't look or seem to be excited but you didn't pay any mind to it as you've been friends with him for years and he never shows that much emotions.

you and xiao started exiting the school gate and going to the ice cream shop. the walk there was for about 10 minutes, and at 5 minutes you were already starting to sweat. you couldn't wait to taste the delicious cold ice cream in this sunny hot day.

"oh xiao its sooo hot! i can't-" you whined as you slomped your head on xiao's shoulder. xiao keeps walking "cmon y/n we're already half way there".

finally after 5 more minutes you've reached the ice cream shop. you entered the shop with excitement and joy. xiao was walking too slow so you grabbed his wrist and drag him inside. "yippieee we're here xiao!" you said to him in joy.
the ice cream shop was pretty crowded. you both went in line and wait. after a few minutes you finally can pick the ice cream you want.

"hello lovebirds! what can i get you today? you might get the limited couples sundae! it's perfect for you both!" she asked in joy and full of excitement. you both got flustered by this statement and looked at eachother. xiao covered his face in embarrassment and you began stuttering. "w-we uh- we." you didn't know what to say. "2 sundaes are actually 3.50$ each, but this one its only 5$ for 2 people!" she added in joy.

you had a smile when she said that. you looked to xiao and whisper to him "fake being my boyfriend okay! we can spend less money!". xiao only nod as you said this. his face got redder and he was secretly enjoying this.

"we'll take the couples sundae!" you replied, handing her the money. "excellent! let me make it" she made the couples sundae which include vanilla and strawberry ice cream with strawberry sauce, whipped cream, sprinkles and vanilla wafer. "here you go. have a nice date" she teased while giggling. you looked at xiao and you notice the tip of his ears were red. you found a table near the window and decide to sit there. "mmm this look delicious!" you scooped the strawberry ice cream and eat it. "i know you like the vanilla one xiao! you can have that one!" you told xiao and he nodded his head and began scooping the ice cream.

"so y/n. when will this 'fake being your boyfriend' ends?" xiao asked in curiosity. "oh xiao? well. i mean it already ends." you replied with a pretty sad tone. you always had a crush on xiao for a long time. you were really greatfull that you get to be friends with him. "oh. y/n can i tell you something?" xiao asked. you notice that he was looking nervous. "ofcourse xiao! tell me everything!" you were curious with what xiao will say. you thought is this what i think it is..?".

"i-i like you y/n.. for a long time. i don't want to fake being your boyfriend. i want to truly be your boyfriend." he said looking embarrassed as his face went red. you were in joy when you heard this coming from him. "oh my god xiao! i like you too! for a very long time now... ofcourse you can be my boyfriend! we're now boyfriend and girlfriend!" you told xiao in excitement. your eyes were shimmering as well as xiao's, it's just not that visible. "r-really? thankyou y/n.. thankyou thankyou thankyou!" he thanked you so much time. he never really felt love before. but when he met you, he just had a strange feeling inside. he then knew it was love, you showed love to him.

you both were happy and xiao got closer to you. you were blushing as he got closer and closer. and my any time, he was kissing you. you both were kissing! isn't that insane? the kiss lasted no longer than 3 seconds. xiao forgot you were in public and immediately broke the kiss. he whispered "we'll continue this in private..". you can feel heat rushing to your face even more when he said that.

it was a good day indeed...

♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. thankyou for supporting! ୨♡୧

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