Time for Xedmotor

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(Read the last word right to left), (disclaimer btw. Every Pokemon is refered to as it until you've either caught it and know the gender or when I know the gender :D)


A normal day, that's all you were hoping for really. But no. Ash went and got himself something strange to show off in the morning, again. Now there was a floating Rotom-Pokedex just flying around as the others introduced themselves. It seems nice enough until it floats in your face and takes pictures without consent. Let's hope he doesn't do it to you or this Pokedex/Rotom fusion will have lived for only a day.

"The name's Y/N, this is my partner Rookidee." Just as expected the thing introduced itself to you before turning its back to you for a quick picture of you and Rookidee. Yeah not happening today.

"If you value your data and current form I recommend you don't take that picture. If you do I'll see myself forced to remove it from you data bank with my own two hands, understood?" You told it, your classmates looked as shocked as the Rotom itself. Maybe they were too trusting or maybe you were too untrusting. Who knows.

Rotomdex: "Error, does not compute. A picture is necessary for my data!" Psh, not your problem it tried to take a picture without consent. Time to teach that lesson.

"Well Rotom, if you need a picture then ask for one. just taking one can offend quiet a lot of people. Some maybe even less nice then me. I gave you a warning, others might not feel as courteous and unscrew you faster than Sophocles can say Togedemaru." With that you turned around and took your seat in the back of the class. Ignoring the astonished faces of everyone around.

Sophocles: "Nobody says Togedemaru faster than me" He spoke barely above a whisper, but everyone heard him just fine.

Lillie: "Well, he's right you know. We might not have a problem with it, but if you encounter new people and Pokemon you might want to ask them first. Either way you are a wonderful Pokedex!" You were secretly glad Lillie was on your side since many in this class didn't like upsetting her. Apparently she can be quiet intimidating when provoked.

You watched for a while in amusement as Sophocles tried to convince Rotom to let him see its programming, it was met with a hard no from Rotom obviousy. At some point Principle Oak joined the conversation and begann confusing the Pokedex with his puns, for like two seconds before they began something akin to a 'pun-off'.

A loud groan from yours truly finally ended their exchange, it was either the groan or the sound of your heat hitting your desk at an alarming speed.

Kukui: "Alright class, how about we do some fieldwork today? Since Rotomdex joined us, how about capturing a new Pokemon!" Now that was a great reason to exercise a little, despite the heat and little shade.

Kukui: "For Ash and Y/n the Pokemon here in Alola will be a new challenge! It's out destiny bond to help them out!" NO not another pun!

"Professor" you adressed the professor, your eyes fixed on the desk still.

Kukui: "Yes Y/n, you got any questions before we leave?" To his question you looked up at him with the deadest, emptiest eyes he had ever seen and just told him something in a bone chillingly bored tone.

"One more pun and I'm throwing myself over these railings." Your words made some of your class fall over like cartoon character before they stood straight again. Weird.

Kukui: "I'll do my best, so let's go everyone. Don't forget to take your bags, we'll be out all day." With that said everyone packed up and practically sprinted out of the school to explore the forest.

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