Chapter Eight: Sophie

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Sophie smiled. Today was the day. She was wearing a sparkling crimson dress that up to today she would've hated.

But today she didn't mind. She had to admit she had been surprised when Keefe asked her to go with him- but it didn't make her any less pleased.

To think- Keefe cared for her in that way. . .

She spun around, letting her shoulder length blonde hair dance around her. It wasn't very graceful- but then again, Sophie didn't mind.

For once she didn't care if everyone in the whole world was looking at her. She would be having fun with Keefe- and that was enough.

"Sophie?" Edaline called as she entered Sophie's room. She gasped when she saw Sophie.

Sophie smiled. Tears of joy welled up in Edaline's eyes. "Oh Sophie, you look so much like- Jol, I mean, you look so pretty!"

"Thanks," Sophie mumbled, blushing slightly, looking down at her feet.

Yeah the confidence was wearing out quickly.

"Do you really think I can do this?" Sophie squeaked.

"Do what, hon?" Edaline said somewhat distractedly.

"Like be a normal girl- go to balls, have fun. .?" Sophie looked down, already embarrassed and feeling selfish.

Edaline looked at Sophie, tears brimming in her eyes. "Oh Sophie, you deserve to have some fun! After everything that you've been through, after everything that's going on with Marella. . . you need a break. Enjoy yourself! It's not wrong to have fun Sophie."

Sophie nodded even though she didn't really mean it. "Yeah, you're right," she mumbled.

Edaline smiled and hugged Sophie.

"Now have fun, I want to hear all about you and. . . Keefe. Don't worry, I haven't told Grady."

Sophie forced a smile as her nerves started to wreak havoc again. "I will."


Whatever she had felt before, all the fear vanished as Sophie teleported to see Foxfire as a stunning sight. Glittering flying things floated around (which she didn't know the names to), and little fairy lights were strung. Everything was decorated to perfection. It caught Sophie breathless.

Then, she remembered why she was truly here.

Keefe- she needed to go find Keefe.

Sophie pulled her gaze away from the beautiful scene and hurried into the hall. Prodigies in their best seemed to radiate beauty as they talked and laughed with their friends. Music played in the background and Sophie wondered if she'd find Keefe somewhere by the dance floor. . . and if he would ask her to dance.

Cut it out, Sophie, she ordered herself as she glanced over the heads of the students, Keefe is just a friend.

The next song started off slower and Sophie's stomach mixed in knots of excitement and nerves. A slow song- would Keefe ask her to dance? Would she accept?

Sophie spotted a tuft of messy blonde hair, and her heart leaped.

She shoved her way through the crowds, smiling more than ever ready to exclaim Keefe's name. . . . .

She stopped. Her breath caught. Time seemed to slow down. Words would not escape her. She couldn't move.

Sophie saw Keefe.

And he had a dreamy expression set upon another girl. A girl whom he was dancing with.


A/N: Quick note, I'm sorry I haven't been posting as often- I'll try to get to that. Just expect chapters to come a little late. Thanks for understanding!

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