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Please save me today Allah.I will never ask you anything from the future maybe.But please save me today.This dracula here will just stand there and I have to face all the family members and they will ask me why I do this?I also donot have the answer of this why and if this frog open his mouth he will just directly confessed his love which I know is not love.Why this idiot is walking so fast like he is so eager to open the main gate like wait dude someone is here behind you but no arey he is going to open the gate.

"Rayyan" I shouted

He turn around and lift his eyebrow.Omg dude I even don't know how to lift my one eyebrow and he is just casually doing it.Stop this maha.Did you forget that you are in love with Killian Carson.O how can I betray my baby?

"Are you just going to stare me baby or say anything?Like I have no problem if you are staring at me.After all I am yours."He said

"Oo shush dude.I am not staring you.I was thinking about someone else"I said

"You was staring at wait a minute who is that asshole you are thinking about?"He said angrily

Asshole.Did he just call my baby asshole no no a big mistake dude.

"You are only asshole I know in this world and lets go inside now.I don't want to tell you anything now."

"You know I can find anything"He said angrily

"Yeah yeah go and find him then.After that you will come with flowers at my grave because your dear family is waiting for us no  sorry my mistake they are only waiting for me."

I don't want to hear anything more.So,I just walk passed him and open the main gate.
Omggg everyone is staring at me angrily.Unconsciously I look behind to see him smirking.Is this a time for smirking dude.I think so he lost his remaining screw.He signalled me towards the stairs.Whatt?
Oo I remember his lecture.I started going towards my room.

"Where are you going?"Dadi (grandmother) asked.

I stopped after hearing her.Now what will I say to her.Say something you idiot.

"Maha what did I say to you hmm? Go straight to your room."
Here comes my dinosaur.My?
I just went straight to my room.Now he will answer everybody.Thankyou Allah.
I see maha going straight to her room.She was thinking about someone seriously like a handsome and hot guy is standing right infront of you and she was thinking about some asshole.

"Rayyan beta."Dadi called me softly.

"G?"I stard at her.

"What did she do now?You know amal brother just called her saying that their son broke engagement because of her?"She said

Seriously asshole.But I had expected from him to say that but a big mistake dude you did to blame my baby.

"Mahu I am going to give you plate.You will take that plate and go to maha's room.Make sure she eat all of this."I said to samahir and went towards kitchen.

I can feel everyone coming behind me.They seriously have nothing to do.
I opened the fridge and take out biryani and start serving it on plate and put in the microwave.Till now nobody has said anything.

"Are you all samahir?I think so no right?"

They all shaked their head negatively

"Then why the hell are you following me?"

"Rayyan beta we want to know why saad said like that because maha wnet with you today and she just came back with you.Then I am sure that you know everything?"Asma chachi said

I took out some cucumbers from the fridge because maha loves to eat them.

"Are you her mother chachi?No na then who give you right to question about her relationship.It's better if you control your own children.And do you think that I  don't know you want your daughter to marry me.Then listen here everybody I will not ever marry abiha."

"Why will you not marry my daughter rayyan.She is so beautiful and slim."

I was going to answer her but then the voice of microwave came.I take out biryani plate and put the glass of water,cucumbers and plate of biryani in a dish.

"Come mahir beta and make sure that she eat everything ok?"
Samahir took the dish and goes towards maha room.

"Yeah now back to you chachi you asked me why will I not marry you daughter? I don't want to expose someone but you just forced me to say that your this beautiful and slim daughter date every rich boy buy things from their money.Such a gold digger she is.Right now the mobile she is holding is from her latest boyfriend what was his name?Wait a second let me think yeah his name was raffay right abiha?"

Chachi look so shocked and turn towards abiha.
"About maha engagement I broke her engagement.Maha didnot do anything and I dare you guys to say anything against her because then you will see my true self.She will be my wife and I will announce my wedding date after discussing with her.You guys just prepare for tommorows fast?Because if you forget tommorow is 1st roza.Amal chachi and mama you both come to my room.I want to talk you about something"

"Marriage with maha.No no beta you can't marry her.She is so fat and have acne on her face and she is not beautiful.We can marry you with another girl if you don't want to marry abiha but not her?We will marry you with a piece of moon."Dadi said

"Wait a second who are you to say anything about my maha.From where do you think she is fat.She is not fat and about acne so what I however she is.She is beautiful for me and who you are to chose who I am going to marry.I can marry anyone I want to.And stop this piece of moon drama because you yourself is not a piece of moon or your gold digger abiha.Nobody can stop me from making her my wife.This permission is given to me in our religion right?So just stop this drama and being elder son and child of this family I have every right and I dont want your guys opinion so don't interfere in my life.Its better for you guys because if I show you guys my real behaviour you will not even stand infront of me."

I go towards my room.I am just feeling angry how dare dadi say anything about maha.I sit on my bed and called that fucker asher.
"Didnot I said to you to tell me everything about maha.Then why did you hide the guy she likes haan?"
"Sir like? I swear she didnot talk to any guy and if she talk that just because of some project."

I was going to say him but I heard mama asking permission from me to come in my room.
"I will talk with you later and if I hear any guy which maha like then this is your last day on this planet."

I cut the call and tell my mother to come inside.I know she didn't hear anything because my room is sound proof.

"Come mama you don't have to knock to come in your son room"

"Rayyan you will not marry maha."said mama shocking me

That's it for the day.Sorry for not uploading this ch on Eid.I am sick from Thursday and I wrote this chapter with great difficulty.Shower your love on this chapter.Baabyyyeee..

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