Chapter 25

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The lights of cars passing us by keep flickering, yet what I really focus on are her eyes on me.

"That guy is an accountant for sure", Katie says, pointing with one of her fries to the man walking past our car in a tux. I know I had to drop Katie off at her home, but I couldn't just let her go without giving her something to eat first, because that would make me a complete imbecile. I suggested going at an Italian place since she likes that, but she was quick to refuse, so we ended up eating our burgers in the parking lot of McDonald's, doing people watching.

"Computer company", I counter. I agree with her, he is for sure an accountant, but every time she disagrees, she squints her nose looking damn adorable.

"Accountant", she says, using her fry as a sword to fight with the one in my hands.

"Computer company", I keep my game.


"Com-", I wanted to repeat, but she stops me with a kiss. I'm startled, clearly forgetting what I wanted to say, getting lost in her. 

As she pulls away, she's glaring mischievously, saying: "Accountant."

"That was unfair", I mumble, trying to sound offended, when in fact I have no problem with the fact she kissed me. She could do it again if it were up to me.

"But you liked it", she continues, attacking me with that fry. And since there is one possible solution, I eat said fry out of her hand, so she has no weapon left.

"What the-", she begins, only to burst out in laughter. The sound washes through me, sounding so pure. I want to keep making her laugh and smile. "Now who's the unfair one", she jokes still laughing.

A smirk on my face I cup her face and give it a kiss, like she did to me. "But you liked it", I throw back her words at her. She nods, sinking deeper into my kiss. As she lets go to take some air, her eyes wonder outside and she freezes. She visibly freezes. All happiness from before is gone as she goes pale, as if her body wouldn't be working anymore.

"Katie", I ask panicked. She doesn't respond, doesn't move, only stares outside at a grey car coming to park not far away from us.

I see a guy stepping out of it, dark hair, wearing a sweater and some jeans, and I recognise it as her ex. Liam Burroughs.

"Katie", I ask her again, as the guy is followed by another figure. Aaron. If she was freezing before, she was for sure close to throwing up now. "Katie", I catch grip of her hand, tugging so I can get her out of her trance. "Katie, talk to me", I say. Her eyes are on me now, but they seem hollow. Her thoughts are clearly far away.

"They are looking for me, Cal", she lets out, shaking with her whole body. "Liam wanted a date with me and he showed up at my house. He wouldn't take no for an answer. Aaron came too and encouraged him." A tear rolls down her face, and her gaze seems to return to this moment, to us. "They said some pretty nasty things about you, Cal. I couldn't have it. Then they kept saying how I should go out with Liam. But I wouldn't. I couldn't. Because I like you, Callum Slade. I really really like you. Heck, I lo-" She stops at that, clearing her throat and looking away. "Anyway, so I ran away. And placed my phone on silent. That's how I got the cut. I ran through the window and fell in a tree."

What the fuck?!

Bits of her confession hit at the same time. How her ex Liam kept coming to her. How she almost said she loves me. Because I heard it. I heard the 'lo' she let out. How she had to fucking run away through the window to get away from her ex. How Aaron encouraged him to continue, although she is his sister and the one he should be looking after. Not some sucker who clearly all that did was be a complete moron to her.

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