6/26 pt. 2

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A part two was requested? Enjoy :) BTW, I'm sorry if this is badly written. I get very impatient with writing because it takes me too long to describe everything I see in my head. So when I get in a hurry, things get a bit messy. So, again, I apologize in advance and I thank you for reading/voting/commenting :)

After Mitch FINALLY got Scott to sleep, he slipped out of the room and walked down the hallway towards the staff's station.

"Excuse me? Who could I talk to about geting a patient out for a day?"

A small redhead peeked around the corner from the back room and replied, "Just one moment sir."

Mitch nodded and put his elbows on the counter, resting his tired head in between them.

A few moments later, a tall, friendly-looking brunette approached from the back room.

"Hello! You need an outing for a patient?" She asked, sitting down at a computer directly in front of Mitch, starting to type.

"Yes, I do."

"Your name and the patient's name?"

"Mitch Grassi and Scott Hoying."

"Reason for outing?"

"Marriage." Mitch blushed and ducked his head, afraid of the response.

"Congratulations, Mr. Grassi! I wish you two the best of luck!"

"Thank you, ma'am. I'm just waiting to save up enough money so that I could be his full-time caretaker."

"That is very admirable of you. And your outing request is granted. I just need to know the hours you will have Mr. Hoying out."

"Twelve to six would be enough ma'am. I plan on going out to eat afterwards."

"That sounds lovely. Your paperwork is printing. So, how long have you known Mr. Hoying?"

"He's been my best friend since we were eight. Somewhere along the line, I guess I fell in love."

"That is sweet. Well, here are your papers and have a nice evening, Mr. Grassi."

"You as well, ma'am."

Mitch rushed out of the facility and made it home, where he realized he couldn't sleep out of pure excitement. So, he spent his night writing a multi-page letter to Scott, one that he would read to his blonde the day he moved him into his own house.

: :: ::: :::: :::::: ::::::

"He's been asleep all morning, sir. We found no reason to wake him up considering breakfast isn't a must for him."

"That's fine, Geoffrey. Thank you."

"Most welcome, sir."

Mitch set down the rose bouquet on the dining table and tiptoed quietly over to where Scott was sleeping with tousled hair and hugging his plush Mickey Mouse from their outing to Disneyland.

"Scoottyyy! Baaaayyy-beee!" He gently sang.

Scott rolled over and huffed lightly.

"Hmm, I guess someone doesn't want a surprise." He walked away to grab the roses, acting like he was leaving.

Scott roused with a mumbled, "Wait, wait!"

Mitch smiled to himself and walked over to pull the covers off of Scott. The blonde groaned and sat up, rubbing his hands on his eyes and then making grabby hands at Mitch. Mitch slid on the bed facing Scott and hid the bouquet in his hands behind him.

Whims (Scömìche) PG-R Rated OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now