Respected boundaries...~ (moonxsolar 14+/mature comfort)

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Moon- "I'm not broken right....?"

Solar - "moon are you okay...?"
Authors note : talking will be in " and thoughts with be in '
Trigger warnings: hyper-sexuality,hurt and comfort, hinting to abusive past relationships, MY Au, hinted sa  no nsfw though if you're not counting that.rct moon just gets cuddles and kisses<3

Moons pov
I was in my room sitting against the frame of my bed my arms cradling my stomach my mind filling with sexual graphic thoughts sexualizing myself and others well basically Solar and a bit of Monty an odd sensation well between my thighs it was like my hormones and horny-ness was on full blast I felt bad...about it? But it was what my mind was running on and it didn't dare to stop I felt disgusted but yet aroused by the things my brain was filling my thoughts with I didn't want to have actual sex but it was like everything in my body saying no that I didn't want it but my brain craving it
'Is something wrong with my code or is something wrong with me...?' I always hated that thought because I knew a lot was wrong with me i just didn't know what...just then Solar walked into my room... 'shit' my mind felt all warm and fuzzy but my thoughts were half wishing for Solar to touch and hold me then feeling disgusted at my self for it Solar looked at the state I was in, love driven eyes a fake smile he could see how uncomfortable yet aroused I was he didn't know I was hyper sexual or well at least I never told him...he went over and sat next to me on my bed. my body crawled closer to him going against everything in my mind thinking about how he would be freaked out by me wanting affection but he wasn't disgusted or angry well that's first....last time I was like this they yelled but they did "help" even though I never asked for it....he expression probably changed from looking back at that day from the way Solar looked at me in a concerned way "moon are you okay...?" His voice was soft and low I was so close to just tackling him and well clinging on and trying to fix this feeling but I didn't want to fuck up my relationship with him as small as it might be I softly nodded scared that if I talked a whole other sentence would come out of my mouth his eyes narrowed onto me more as if saying 'I know that's a goddamn lie moon' I sighed and shrugged I knew I felt horrible and like shit I craved attention I was like some fucking cat in heat  and I hated it I hated needing him wanting his gaze his affection his touch his if he could read my mind and needs he softly hugged me and put me in his lap my face filled with blush as my hands wrapped around my stomach again he gently removed them replacing them with his own arms softly holding me "let me hold you..~! you jerk...~" Solar said in a obviously joking tone but it still managed to make the blush on my face brighten but i complied relaxing a bit in his hold I couldn't tell if the feeling was lightening or increasing the thought of what was happening with me seemed to finally register though his mind I couldn't tell if he was pitying me or was confused or even disgusted but they way he help me just a bit tighter but not enough to go against any boundaries and make me uncomfortable both of our fans were on full blast probably Solar was probably a nervous wreck on the inside but currently he seemed so calm and collected and comforting I felt safe and warm I. His arms on god that sounded so cringe but god was it true I was thankful he wasn't like the last person even though that was the bare minimum his hands softly rubbed the sides of my waist teasingly I bit my lip Solar knew I was sensitive I playfully and very softly punched him in the arm as a little revenge he just softly chuckled placing a soft and gentle kiss on my forehead god why was I melting for him from this my face was probably coved in so much blues blush that i looked like a fucking blue berry he continued placing softly gentle kisses on my face until he got to my lips going slow with the kiss but making sure I got all the pleasure I needed which slowing turned into a make out sesh my lips felt tingly and warm from it he just softly kissed my neck then looked back at me

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