A Rosé blooming thorns (Nexus villian arc rewrite)

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First part of my rewrite for Nexus's villain arc

Trigger warnings

Eating disorders

Self harm (Cutting and burning)

Mention of death

Pill popping /taking drugs


Moon just sat there in his room after one of his biggest breakdowns still holding back the oil tears that continued to threaten spilling the whole this was to degrading...he knew his sister Earth constantly told him not to feel bad for his own emotions and having people see them
but he could see how sun got upset when he called Solar his brother... he still loved sun and definitely didn't have his favorites it was just that Solar was basically his safe space in a way he was always going to stick out he was the youngest but always perceived as the oldest even though he wasn't the pressure of everything

bringing back Solar , always having to be the smart one, never able to be upset , having to fix everything, it was all tiring and slowly chipping away at his already fragile mental state god he felt pathetic he couldn't bring Solar back and he couldn't keep himself together which was what everyone was expecting of him

he didn't notice how his 'nails' we're digging into the metal of his arm since he was to lost in his fucking  mind  after a bit he looked back down to see deep cuts on his arm and his fingers about and inch deep into them seeing the oil and the exposed wires he just sighed god why did he have more self control....

He practically dragged himself out of his bed which he'd been in all day just 'rotting away' he felt a bit lightheaded as he got up maybe it was the lack of sleep he couldn't remember the last time he slept of even charged but maybe that was his shitty memory

or the lack of food the new body he got made it so they felt the need to eat maybe to make them more human like or some other stupid reason but he did feel the need to eat he hated most food and the feeling of being full it felt wired so he just didn't eat sure he'd drink like coffee or have coffee here and there but besides that he didn't even bother with it

he just walked over to his desk he thought about whether or not to repair his arm he sure as hell didn't have the energy to do that he could barely keep his eyes open not to mention having to keep them focused he just sighed again and rubbed over his arm feeling the sting from the new cuts

he could definitely feel the pain but it didn't feel bad it felt deserved he just grabbed the hoodie off of the desk he didn't remember it fitting this loosely on him...well Monty did say there was some type of feature to have their weight change maybe he was getting skinnier he did look better than before...it felt nice...a little to nice..maybe not eating was a good thing...

he leaned on the desk hid when did his legs feel so weak...why was this all hitting him now.... did his crying exhausted his body that badly ? He just signed and walked back over to his bed practically collapsing onto it the tears were gone now his emotions too he felt so numb yet angry he hated it he didn't want to sleep yet

anytime he did his mind just went to the worst things he fears his regrets everything bad about himself hid he mind was going to make him insane one day..he just laid there holding the star plush the Solar had gotten him as a joke god why didn't everything bring him back to that day everyone else could move one why couldn't he...why did he still have to suffer

he was practically shoving the plush into his chest he could feel the harsh pressure from it it was such a bitter sweet feeling....after awhile he feel asleep it wasn't any good sleep filled with memories and regrets and his fears....

after the four hours of rest he had he woke up still groggy he felt so weak mentally and physically he just sat up holding his body up by his bed frame looking at his nightstand to see the sushi sun had offered he softly picked up the container he wasn't hungry but he needed some comfort

and he'll just puke out the food later....he grabbed the little chopstick package ripping the paper then breaking the two sticks apart from each other cringing a bit from the woods texture he opened the sushi container it was his favorite type at least...

he put some in his mouth he could tell it was a bit stale from being in his room for the 2 or 3 hours but it was still good and he brought him a bit of comfort he only ended up finishing half before feeling a bit of shame for eating closing the container and getting out of the bed on weak legs

and walked over to the mini fridge in his room and put it back in there before softly closing the fridge door stretching a bit still feeling exhausted even after sleeping seeing the low battery warning pop up in the corner of his eye his groaned a bit grabbing his charger from his desk

and going back to his bed plugging it into his back and just laying down on his bed again...sliding open the drawer on his nightstand grabbing a pill bottle that maybe didn't have the best stuff in it grabbed about 5 pills and popping them into his mouth and swallowing he sat for a couple minutes still feeling like shit scoffing and grabbing the pack of cigarettes and his lighter

putting the cigarette in between his lips and lighting it he just stared at the fire on cigarette he accidentally broke his ash tray last week he didn't really know how to put the cigarette out so after he was done smoking his just used is arm looking at the burn marks now let he could feel the stinging pain from it but didn't really care he knew he deserved it...

he grabbed his lighter lighting it again and burning some spots on his arm hissing at the pain but still keeping a blank face stopping after a bit turning off the lighter and rolling down his sleeve laying back down and sighing...eh what harm could a bit more sleep do...?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25 ⏰

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