the will

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The air whistling past the plane sounded like a group of singing whales. Peter sat in his row- yes row, the seats were too small- and reread the instructions. It was Lois's will. She gave all her personal possessions to charity and small theaters in Quahog. The kids got money for college and whatnot. But Peter got nothing, except for a small paragraph. Peter heard artists like Taylor Swift asking for "footnotes" in the story of someone's life. And that's what this was. Just a few lines. 

"Peter, I need you to marry Ariana Grande. We were close friends in private but she doesn't know you exist. I was her stunt double in the Wicked movie, and I wished she would be apart of our family. Now she can. This is my dying wish so you better do it Peter."                                                         "I love you, Lois"

Peter had done many crazy things in life. He tried to prove Luke Perry was gay, he made his house a country, loads of stuff. But nothing compared to this request. He had to marry Ariana Grande!? Peter wasn't too familiar with her music, so he downloaded some of her top songs for the flight. 

"thank u, next," was what Peter started out with. Meh, boring. "yes, and?" was next. Did Peter like it? No, and? Finally he tried out "34+35." He enjoyed what the song was about, and even though he was stupid, 34+35 was the only math fact he knew. But it was Ariana Grande so it was flop. 

Peter turned off the music and looked out the window. He had a long week of moving all the kids out. Stewie and Brian met back up with Frank Sinatra Jr. to go on tour. Quagmire so generously offered to take Meg so of course Peter agreed. And Chris was what, 15? He could keep the house.

Flight attendants voices through the over-com and the noise of all the passengers getting ready to land washed out the Grande in Peter's ears. Finally he was there.

The plane finally landed in the LAX Airport. Peter finally reached his destination: L.A. 

No turning back now.

peter griffin x ariana grandeWhere stories live. Discover now