first kiss

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Ariana leaned in and...

Pressed her lips against Peter's. Peter was startled, but instantly forgot about it when he realized he was KISSING ARIANA GRANDE!!!

Her lips were smooth and juicy at the same time. She tasted like vanilla frozen yogurt with all the right toppings. Peter on the other hand has never used Chapstick, Vaseline, or anything good for your lips. But Ariana could care less if she was smooching the Sahara Desert. It was Peter and that's all that mattered. Their special moment. No paparazzi, no security, just a pop star and some rando from Rhode Island sharing passionate kisses on a very expensive couch. 

Ariana started to get into it, and she gripped the sides of Peter's face. Her smooth hands traced his non-existent jawline and all over his oily skin. Ecstasy washed over the two of them like a pair of pants at a laundromat. The air in the room had more euphoria than Jacob Elordi and Peter felt like he was overheating. Not in a bad way though, he loved it. Ariana's painted nails gripped Peter's musty hair and so he did the same, his hot-dog lookin phalanges tangling her luxurious bleached hair. 

After about 10 minutes they pulled away and laughed. Peter couldn't believe it. His goal was so close! He had just kissed Ariana Grande, and in a few moments they could be engaged, and then married. Lois would be so proud! Ari bit her bottom lip slightly and looked up at Peter, her oak brown eyes scanning his face. She eventually smiled sweetly and stood up. Peter watched her walk into another room before a sense of sadness washed over him. He didn't want this moment to end.

But those emotions only lasted a brief period of time, because a few seconds later, Ariana's petite figure appeared. In her hands was a fluffy blanket that looked like fresh powdered snow. She sat down next to Peter and spread out the blanket, the silk white fabric engulfing them. Ari laid down and sunk her head into Peter's squishy stomach and sighed. Peter rested his hands on her head, tracing her features. 

"Peter Griffin. Gosh you have such a good name..." Ariana mumbled, "I love the way my throat vibrates when I say Peter. And when my teeth and lip meet when I say Griffin, it just feels right. Like I was born to call out your name." Peter's heart throbbed. He always thought his name was like something from an animated sitcom. But Ari's powerful words just changed his perspective on his identity. He never thought of himself in that way until she said something. 

"Nobody's ever said that to me before..." Peter told her. Steroytypically, men are supposed to always be tough and to never shed a tear. That's how Peter was raised and what his friends told him. But this woman laying on top of Peter just unlocked something inside of him. 

Ariana rolled over to face her man. "I love you, Peter Griffin." She put emphasis on his name when she said it.

"Ariana Grande-" Peter grinned at his new lover, "I frickin love you too!"

peter griffin x ariana grandeWhere stories live. Discover now