Chapter 8

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    Boe stood there is shock at Farbauti's words.  "There is no way that my child is capable of something like that.  I'll talk to Odin and get him to change his mind.  There is no way that my daughter will be leaving Asgard." 

   Laufey laughed.  "That will be impossible Boe, you are bound to me as my slave.  That means you can't leave." 

   Boe sighed and frowned as Laufey's words hit him like a ton of bricks.  He lowered his head and backed away not saying another word. 

"That's a good slave."

    Thor was lost in thought as he watched Mirage cozy up to Loki.  He saw Mirage snuggle up against Loki as he put her arms around her.  When he saw that he snapped back to reality and focused his gaze at Laufey.  "I see where Loki got that idea, I can't discredit you for that. I guess banishment runs in the family. But still Mirage, you can't get out of it, I am sorry, but you have no choice."

    Mirage snorted and looked at Thor with pulsating eyes. "And I said, I am marrying Loki, and we are going to live in Asgard.  Loki will be the new king and HE will BANISH Odin to a place where he doesn't want to be.  Or if I feel like it, when I become queen, I will have him tortured and then killed."

    Thor gasped. "Mirage, where is all this anger coming from? This is not like you, and it's scaring me."

    Mirage crossed her arms over her chest and snorted. "Now that I know the truth about what a monster your father is, who knows what else he has done before we were born. You are his blood Thor; how do I know you will end up the same way. I can't take that chance in marrying you knowing that you might..."

    Thor covered her mouth. "Don't even say it, I am nothing like my father. I promise you."

   Mirage fought her tears and took a step back. "I can't take that chance. I don't want to be in a loveless marriage."

   Farbauti walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "And you are positive that Loki will give you the love that you deserve?  How do you know that he won't end up like him?"

   Mirage looked at her and stayed silent.  After a moment she spoke.  "I just know."

"You are blinded by his charm!"  Thor protested.

     Laufey laughed and nodded as he cleared his throat.  "Are you sure about that? You say those things about Odin, but you know nothing about me. How do you know what I am like? I have killed people; I abandoned my own son. I imprisoned your father. Do you really think that Loki won't act like me?"

    Mirage turned pale and opened her mouth, but no words came out. She looked down at her hands as they started to glow white, as to heal herself.  But she remembered that she can't heal her own heart. "It looks like I have a lot to think about."

"You are blinded by your own feelings, which will lead to your own demise." Laufey barked in laughter. "You are better off to settle, marry Thor.  Don't destroy Asgard, live out your life as your husband's slave.  He will own you.  You are nothing to him."

    Thor shook his head.  "I will not do such a thing! No one should belong to anyone. Mirage will not be my slave; she will be my wife. She will be free to do what she wants."

   Mirage fought her tears as a few escaped her eyes and trickled down her cheeks.  "I am so confused.  I don't know what to do."

   Boe frowned and pulled her into a hug and rubbed the back of her head. "Don't listen to him. Only you have the right to choose who you want to marry.  This won't be an arranged marriage."  Boe looked up at Thor.  "You understand me."

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