Part 6: War Of Many Swords

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Michael went to the farmland and waited for him. All of a sudden, something rushed down to the ground like a missile. Jim arose with red energy emitting from him.
Michael: What happened to you?
Jim: You know I was almost impressed you managed to use your power. But I was curious. Did I teach you or did you learn how to use your brain for once?
Michael: Jim. I am sorry. I never wanted you to risk your life for me.
Jim: That is what a friend does. You know I always wanted to become the head of the company but I never imagined it would be this perfect.
Michael: We can still turn back. Whatever you want I will give it to you. I will even step down if that's really what you want!
Jim: It's like you said. I'm the monster you created.
So go ahead and stop me.
Jim flew at Mike sending them both into the sky. They went back and forth trying to think of different ways to hit the other. As they fought in the clouds, they eventually came across the city. Jim managed to get a hit that sent Michael flying down to the ground. Once on the ground, Jim went for the killing blow but Michael put up a shield still not wanting to injure his friend.
Jim: For someone about to die, you are persistent!
Michael: Jim. Please.
Jim: If you cared that much about me then let me kill you!
Michael stretched out his hands waiting for the killing blow. Just before this, a blast came through throwing Jim into a building. It was the other Specters. They came rushing in and held Jim down as Michael arose.
Specter: Finish him off!
Michael: I can't.
Specter: What do you mean you can't?
Michael: He is beaten. Let him up.
Jim: Why do you spare me?
Michael: You wanted too much and ended with less than before. If I killed you then it would mean nothing.
Jim: Sigh Just let me up.
Jim stood up with shock on his face.
Michael: I know you can't forgive me. But we can make things better.
Michael stuck out his hand in front of him. They shook hands.
Jim: I forgive you.
Jim then created a knife in Michael's hand forcing it into his neck.
Michael: No!
Jim collapsed with blood spilling out.

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