Chapter 4: The Rescue

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Jaune: Don't rape me.

It's now revealed that Jaune is blindfolded and has rope wrapped around his body, in short, he's strapped on to a Chair in some sort of Warehouse. We can see his entire body is bruised up, meaning he was beaten for hours, and he can't get out due to his hands and feet being tied to the Chair.

For some reason, Jaune believes the one who did this was one of the Girls in the One-Five. They probably found out about the Marriage and wanted answers from him. He really hopes they don't do anything to him, and why did they resort to these kinds of methods for answers?!

Jaune: I mean, if you plan to kill me. Kill me first, and-and then you can rape me. That's okay.

This angered the Kidnappers as one of them marches forward, revealing them to be none other than Saphron Arc, who does not look happy at what Jaune said.

Saphron: Fool! Do I look like a Rapist to you?! I don't rape nobody!! I make love to my Puppies. Arf! Arf!!

Hearing Saphron's voice shocked Jaune to the core.

Jaune: Wait a minute, Saphron?! You're the one responsible for this?!

Before she said anything, Saphorn was smacked in the back of the head by none other than Bianca, as the rest of the Arc Sisters revealed themselves. Bianca had Rosemary remove the blindfold. Once it's removed, Jaune was shocked to see his Sisters were the ones who kidnapped him, not some of the One-Five. The Arc Sisters are the least likely people he would expect to do this.

Jaune: Wait, Bianca, Aqua, Saphron, Violet, Olivia, Jade, Rosemary?! You were the ones that kidnapped me?!


He was met with a punch to the face by Violet.

Violet: Yes! And for good reason!!

Jaune: And what reason do you have for kidnapping me?! And why on remnant did you decide to beat me?! I can feel the bruises in my cheek and my left eye is swollen as hell!!

Aqua: This!!

She throws a large Folder in front of Jaune as it falls to the ground. Jaune looks at it closely and sees a lot of photos of him with the Women of the One-Five. Jaune, despite his bruised eye, can tell those are pictures from his Dates. Jaune's eyes widened and he couldn't control his shock.


In the Arc Family Mansion, it has been a while since the Arc Sisters were all together due to them having their own Lives. They can be seen chilling in the large Living Room, spending as much time as they can together, the only person missing is Jaune. They wish for him to be here for this once in a while get together and not for OTHER reasons.

But as if their wish was granted, they heard footsteps from the Stairs, the Arc Sisters look and saw Jaune wearing a nice Tuxedo, he can be seen heading down the Stairs as he fixes his Bow Tie.

But as if their wish was granted, they heard footsteps from the Stairs, the Arc Sisters look and saw Jaune wearing a nice Tuxedo, he can be seen heading down the Stairs as he fixes his Bow Tie

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