chapter I; the first meeting

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New York, a bustling city where hearts collided and stories unfolded, there lived a man named Sevi Scotwell, 24. And a woman named Mary Loi Yves, 21. Their paths crossed one fateful day, igniting a spark that would set their lives on an unexpected journey, an almost eternal one.

Sevi is a very sweet and warm-hearted man, intelligent and very diligent and passionate in things he does best, hardworking and is a very open minded person, Mary Loi on the other hand was a kind and caring lady who's always there when you need her, a soft spoken person and very soft and quiet most of the time, an almost perfect girl to say the least, well.. some dudes think otherwise, though sweet and caring she had been in several heartbreaks and traumas before that left her wounded and wary because of it, becoming more and more careful in trusting someone before letting them in her heart once again, but with every relationships, it always comes to bad terms, atleast with Mary Loi that is.

The two met in a Café along the busy roads of New York, it was a busy day indeed but the two manages to spot eachother despite the noisy crowd amongst them, immediately exchanging eye contact with eachother. The aroma of fresh coffee surrounds the air, mingling as it corresponds to the light music being played, as he sips on his morning coffee, he can't help but marvel the beauty of the woman, seeing it as a chance, Sevi stood up and bravely approached the woman.

introducing himself to the lady  " hey how are you? my names Sevi. " The man said as he extended his hand out for a handshake, yet despite Mary's traumas, she manages to introduce herself " oh.. hey there Sevi, my names Mary Loi, you can call me Maloi. " The woman spoke soft as she reaches her hand out, shaking his hand, the man took the chances and sat beside her as the two began to talk to eachother, getting to know eachother more as Sevi would find himself drawn to her warmth and resilience little by little, He admired her strength and how she talked so calmly yet so soft with each word that comes out of her mouth.

As the conversation gets more and more deeper and as the two gets to know eachother a little by little, Sevi handed out his phone " it was nice meeting you.. do you mind exchanging numbers? " The man smiled at the woman as he held out his phone.

Mary Loi would dart her gaze up to the male as he had his phone out, hesitant at first but lets out a soft sigh and nods after, giving him a soft and genuine smile as he took his phone and wrote her number down, which she also does, hand out her phone to him and the two exchanged numbers " are you going? " The Lady asked whilst having her stare at the man infront of him.

" mhm.. i still have my shift sadly, could i call you later? " The man would stare back at the woman infront of him as he lets out a soft smile to match hers, he took back his phone and puts it back in his pocket after.

A soft smile graced Mary Loi's lips as she gave a small nod, her heart fluttering with this anticipation along with that feeling of getting excited, knowing that she had never experienced this.. It was was.. weird for her " mhm.. i would like that. " The female simply replied as her voice was filled with warmth.

With a promise to reconnect soon, Sevi and Mary Loi bid farewell to one another as Sevi exited the shop to walk back to his workplace which was not that far off from the Café as he had a smile on his face, he was deeply inlove within just minutes of talking to her, he had felt like he had found the one.

The man opened the building door to his workplace as he was met with the usual quiet environment that always leaves him feeling overwhelmed each time he comes back here as he hears the clicks of the mouses and the pressing of the keyboards and the murmuring conversations that fills in the room, the man would pull out his phone and took one look at the number she gave him before letting out a deep sigh it was gonna be another tiring day at work.

as he walked over to his work place he was greeted by his colleagues with smiles and a welcoming greeting as he sat himself down on his chair, but despite the warm welcomes, Sevi's thoughts were elsewhere, his mind now full of thoughts on when he's gonna see Mary Loi again.

As he settled into his work routine, Sevi couldn't shake the thought of the woman he just met earlier, His feet tapped anxiously against the flooring of his workspace as his thoughts drifting back to the woman, though all he can do is wait until he's finally free again to hopefully call her once he had his shift finished.

As Sevi took off from his work place, he stood by the building door as Sevi pulled out his phone and dialed Mary Loi's number, his heart pounding in his chest as he waited for her to pick up. After what felt like an eternity, the line clicked, and Mary voice filled his ears with a soft voice.

" Sevi? " She exclaimed, her voice was as soft and as happy as ever " mhm, it's me.. uh.. Maloi right? " A smile formed across Sevi's face as he finally heard her voice, getting relieved as he heard so, a soft bubbly laugh was heard over the line " what took you so long? " She asked as Sevi simply replied with " overtime.. i'm sorry, do you wanna meet? " He asked back after letting out a sigh.

A relief sigh would escape Mary's mouth as she replied with " sure.. Café? " And as they exchanged words, Sevi knew that she's definitely the one, yet Mary would still think otherwise, but nevertheless the two agreed to meet up at their local Café.

end of chapter l

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