chapter II; bondings

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chapter ll

As Sevi stepped back into the bustling city streets, his heart raced with anticipation from meeting her once again after just what? 6 hours away from her? he had attachment issues indeed, he found himself drawn back to the place where their journey had begun, the quaint little cafe that had witnessed the spark of their connection as he stood there by the Café door, waiting for Mary Loi.

Meanwhile, at her cozy and quiet apartment was Mary Loi getting ready to meet this man again that she had met earlier, tonight was very cold and she needed to stay warm throughout it, looking at her self from the mirror before leaving her apartment and began walking to the Café which was not that far from here.

After a couple of minutes, he had finally spotted Mary Loi walking from a distance, a wide smile formed on his face as he began walking towards her to greet her, Mary Loi seeing it, she had a soft smile across her face as the two finally faced eachother once again.

Sevi lends out his hand to her " Maloi? " as Mary accepted it she nods " mhm.. Sevi right? " Sevi would nod as the two shook hands after " you look very beautiful " Sevi shot at her as he hits on her, Mary Loi would look away for a bit, not knowing how to take it before letting out a soft giggle " you're very cheesy y'know? but, thank you. " She looked back at her with her soft smile.

Sevi lets out a small chuckle as the two entered the Café once again, stepping inside the familiar scent of freshly brewed coffee greeted them as it continue to be mingling with the soft strains of music that filled the air. Sevi's eyes scanned the room, searching for nice place to sit sown amidst the amount of people.

As they found a nice place, the two sat down as the two faced eachother with their usual big smiles on their faces, with the two settled into their seats, the conversation flowed fast and effortlessly between the two of them, it's like they've known eachother for a very long time! and it's as if no time had passed at all. They laughed and talked, sharing stories and dreams along with the conversation.

As the two lends their time to eachother, admiring each and every moment they share, it was time to finally leave the Café and hang out more! As the two walked out, Sevi and Mary Loi had found themselves wandering the streets of New York City, the soft environment of the city softened the streetlights that emits a dim light on the street and the twinkling stars overhead, the two walked and walked as they got to know eachother more.

They strolled every corner and also through Central Park, the trees casting long shadows as the streelight complimented them also across the path as they shared stories and memories. Mary Loi's cheeks flushed pink from the cold, but the warmth of Sevi presence by her side kept her spirits high, slowly and slowly Mary Loi's trust in Sevi was beginning to get more and more deeper as she felt like she could definitely trust him.

As they made their way through the busy streets of New York, Mary Loi stopped in her tracks as she lets out a shivering kind of giggle " gosh.. i-i feel kinda cold.. " looking at the man infront of her as she felt the shivers down her spine, Sevi being the gentleman that he is, he slowly approaches her and without a second though, he shrugged off his jacket as he wrapped it around Mary Loi's body " here take this. " He said.

A relieved sigh escaped Mary's mouth as a smile formed across her face " you really are a gentleman.. " She come back to his side as the two started walking once again as they do so they had found themselves drawn to the quiet corners and hidden alleys that dotted the landscape of good old New York, with a few more walking they have now arrived at Time Square as the neon lights accomidate the cooling weather, they were here, New York Time Square! The city that never sleeps.

They stood in the center of it all whilst beside eachother, just enjoying their company, their eyes opened wide with wonder as they took in the spectacle around them, it felt really nice it was as if he's getting to know her more and more as she does too.

As they navigated through the throngs of people, Sevi and Maloi found themselves drawn to a street performer, his guitar strumming a soulful melody that echoed through the crowded streets as it accompanied the busy streets along with the slight echoing of people talking and cars driving around, the two looked at eachother.

" I can't believe i found you.. i mean.. you're a very cool person to be with. " Said Sevi as they were sitting down on the bench.

" hmm? well, don't get too attached.. you still don't know me that much " She shot at the male as she lets out a soft and teasing laugh, placing her hands on the wooden bench they were sitting on.

" you really piqued my interest.. i'm willing to know you more " A warm smile would form across his face as he held his stare at Mary.

She looked back at her as the two initiated their soft eye contact with eachother, she would nod " mhm.. that would be great. I would love to know you more too. " The following words comes out of her mouth as a soft smile formed on her face, complimenting his

As the conversation turned interesting, Sevi and Mary Loi would find themselves opening up to eachother. They shared their hobbies, their likes and dislikes and their types in a person as well as their aspirations and ambitions in life.

Mary spoke of her dream to finish university and to achieve her ambition of becoming an artist someday, telling more about herself as he enjoyed the company of the male beside her.

And as they talked long into the night, their voices blending together with the symphony of the busking man across them, Sevi and Mary Loi knew that no matter what the future held, they know that it wasn't always in their favor.

As the night grew late and the cold air settled in, Sevi and Mary Loi knew it was time to part ways and return to their respective homes. The two stood up from the park bench as said goodbye their goodbyes to gold old New York as they made their way back down to the bustling city streets.

hearing the distant car honking and engines from a distance whilst they made their way to the bustling city streets, seeing the crowd become more and more quiter, the once sighted neon lights now they are now seeing the soft and illuminated street lights that emit a peaceful and calm environment through the busy road.

As they walked along the empty streets, Sevi and Mary Loi spoke in hushed tones, enjoying eachothers company being parting way soon. When they reached the Café again, Sevi turned to the Mary Loi as the following words come out of his mouth; "Do you want me to walk you home?" Sevi asked, his voice laced with concern. "It's pretty late out here.. " A concerned tone comes out.

Mary Loi lets out a soft laugh before placing her hand on the males chest, her smile reassuring. "I'll be fine," she said softly. "I know you have to get home too."

Sevi welcomed the gentle touch of her hand on his chest, holding onto the quiet intimacy of the moment, relishing the connection before they went their separate ways once more.

Mary Loi took her hand of the man's chest before smiling at him once more "Take care, Sevi " Mary Loi said as she pulled back, a hint of longing in her voice comes out " tomorrow again? " She asked as she set her goodbyes with a soft smile, walking away.

"You too, Maloi. " Sevi replied, his heart heavy with the impending separation before nodding " mhm.. sure! " He lets out another nod before turning back and walking away.

end of chapter ll

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