chapter III; the confession

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chapter lll

Things had evolved significantly over the past 3 years they've been friends, and now Sevi and Mary Loi found themselves frequently going on trips and spending most of their time together. They relished each other's company whenever they were in each other's presence, but Sevi couldn't ignore the growing realization that he was falling more deeply in love with her as time goes by.

As the months passed, Sevi and Mary Loo found themselves spending more time together more! Their friendship growing deeper with every shared moment they have shared.

They met often whenever Sevi had taken off from work, whether it was acozy evening at home or just the usual cold weather with them wandering through the city, discovering new cafés and parks that became their favorite talk place.

One crisp autumn day, they decided to visit a local museum around the area as they were immediately drawn to the exhibits that the meseum had to offer. Walking through hall of the meseum as they exchanged thoughts and observations.

whilst encountering captivating artworks and historic stuffs. Maloi's face would light up as she darts her eyes on a particularly amazing work of art infront of her, Sevi couldn't help but smile as he was cherishing her enthusiasm.

The two took a stroll in the same old park they once did on their first date, still keeping the remembrance of their first date in their hearts as their foot lined up on the path with golden leaves crunching under their feet. The sun began setting down, casting a soft, warm light over their conversation as they discussed their dreams and future plans.

As they walked, Sevi looked over as he asked " Have you ever thought what life would be life in a few years? " Said Sevi as he held her gaze to the woman beside him.

" not really.. i don't really care what happens, as long as i'm alive " Mary Loi replied " i just imagined travelling the whole world, writing and maybe even become an artist someday.. You? "

" I've been thinking about it for a while " Sevi lets out a soft laugh " it'll be crazy to see what the world would be after what? 10 years or so? " He lets out a soft sigh, looking away as he stared at the sun while it continued to set down.

" hopefully by that time i've already started a family, or maybe a business if plausible. " Sevi stared back at Mary Loi with his usual genuine smile that he tends to show whenever she was around.

Mary Loi looked at him, appreciating the depth of his thoughts and how he was overthinking this much, letting out a soft giggle as she placed her hand on his hair, ruffling it " i love how you're always so in depth when talking about things. " She smiled back at him.

Sevi settled down on a park bench with her as they overlooked at sunset from the distance, darting his gaze at the woman as he lets out a chuckle " and i loce how you're always there when i needed to yap about something.

The two enjoyed the crisp autumn air filled with the sight of falling brown leaves and the gentle shaking of trees around them as it created a peaceful ambiance. The two friends sat side by side, enjoying the quiet beauty of the moment.

Soon as the sun continued to settle down, Sevi lets out a deep and nervous breath his heart racing as he prepared to express the emotions he had been carrying for over the past 3 years. " Maloi, " he started with his soft and gentle voice " i have something to tell you. "

Mary Loi met his gaze, curiosity and warmth in her eyes. "What is it, Sevi?" The woman asked with her usual soft smile across her face, she was ready to listen to him.

He smiled nervously but manages to calm himself a little " i-i.. i know that this might be a little random to you but, i just wanna set my feelings straight. "

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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