Imagine 6: Lollipop, Lollipop, Oh, Lolli Lollipop🍭 (Vox)

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pairing: Shy! Half Cat Demon! Y/N x Vox

*summary: Y/N is one of Velvette's model and in a secret relationship with the TV Demon Overlord/Owner of Voxtech, Vox. So during one of their secret meet ups, Y/N comes up with the idea to play the Lollipop Game*

requested by @Kawaiicat2

A sigh of relief comes over you when Velvette said you were on lunch break. No doubt, you enjoy modeling her clothes, loving each new style she would create and displaying for her. But at the same time, showing off in front of all the critics and others always made you feel a little nervous.

Naturally, you're a bit shy, which surprise you to think that Velvette still hired you.
Not that you're complaining though, becoming one of her models was one of the most exciting and best decisions you've made since your arrival in Hell.

You get a free room in the Vee's studios, whenever Valentino tries to mess with you Velvette steps in and tells him to get lost, and...there's something.
As your sitting on the couch in your room sucking on a chocolate tootsie lollipop, you don't hear your door open, or hear the footsteps approach you from behind.

It's when you feel a pair of arms wrap around you that you finally realize that you aren't alone as you thought. You jump at first thinking it's Valentino--who's done the same arms-around-your-waist technique more than once--but the smooth, charming voice makes your nervousness disappear, and a blush to form on your cheeks.

"Hey kitty," Vox whispers, his face brushing ever so slightly against your cat ear, which tickles you a little, due to have sensitive ears and that his face is a tad bit cold, and the fact that he likes to use some electric shocks as a playful gesture.

You glance up at the smirking, TV Demon/Overlord Vox, his red eyes seeming to glow a little while his blue fangs are revealed from his smirk.
"Hi Vox," you respond, gently and a little shyly touching his forearm that's wrapped around you at the collarbone. Despite dating Vox for a couple of months, you still feel a bit shy around him, as if you're still getting used to the fact that he's your boyfriend and not just a friend.

Boyfriend/girlfriend opens doors that aren't usually opened when you're just friends, so of course you'd be nervous for the first couple of months.
That and Vox has more experience then you so...yeah.

Playfully, he climbs over the couch to sit beside you, throwing his arm around your shoulders in a casual manner while propping his legs up on the table to stretch. "How's your day been so far, love?"

"Eh," you shrug, popping the sucker back into your mouth, using your tongue to push it aside to speak in a more clearer voice. "It's been good so far. I'm on my break right now." You glance at him. "And how is your day?"

He shrugs as well. "Long, but hey," he smirks, shifting so that he can lean closer to you, his voice dropping a bit lower in tone laced with the seductive sound of static. "At least I got something to look forward to now..."

Your cheeks blush furiously again, and he can't help but pinch them. So adorable, he thinks to himself.
Your brow furrows slightly, going deep into thought. You don't particularly like that you're always so shy around him, especially since he's your boyfriend--boyfriend in secret, from Velvette and Valentino, and to avoid mass News spreading throughout Hell--, and from time to time, you can kinda tell it annoys him, even if he never admits it.

Curiously, you glance at the box of lollipops on the glass table beside you, an idea forming in your head. "Vox, do you...want to play the lollipop game with me?"
His brow furrows. "What's a lollipop game?"

You blush. "It's where we take a lollipop, lick it for a little while, and then kiss each other to try and guess the...flavor," you immediately glance down to the carpet flooring, too embarrassed and shy to look at his face.

Vox was a bit taken back at first--since he's yet to see you act so bold--but his surprised face slowly turns into a smirk, as he leans closer. "Is that your way of saying you want to kiss me?"
You forcefully rub your burning cheeks. "It-it's just a game, I-I mean we don't have to play if you don't--"

He shushes you, his free hand reaching over to grab a lollipop from the box and take it's wrapper off, before casually popping it in his mouth, making sure you couldn't see the color of the lolli.
After a moment he takes it out and smirk. "Go ahead."

"Wh...huh?" you ask a bit breathless and shyly. Are you really going to do this?! I mean, it isn't like he HASN'T kissed you before. But still! This seems a bit...intimate.
He smirks, leaning over you while his hand gently takes hold of your chin. "This was your idea, sweet cheeks," he chuckles, "don't back out now."

Before you can respond, you feel his lips brush against yours, slowly using his mouth to open yours for entry, brushing his tongue against your own, which you tense at. In a good way though.
As he pulls away, the smirk on his face widens. "So, what flavor is it?"

Your cheeks are blazing, too hot for comfort, your insides twisted, and your heart pounding.
"Uh..." you try to think, though your mind is racing from how much...confidence he has when it comes to such physical touch, and to such a silly game as this.
Makes you envious. You wish you had his confidence. But maybe, he'll teach you how to be confident.

"Is it...blueberry?" You pick a random flavor, for your mind was at a lost due to his kiss.
He chuckles. "Yeah, you're right." He passes the box to you, "your turn."

Your hand shakily reaches into the box and picks a random tootsie pop, undoing the wrapper and putting it in your mouth, all the while Vox just sits and watches with interest.
You make licking a lollipop look good, he thinks to himself, shaking his head softly.

When a minute passes, you set the lollipop down. "Alright..." you exhale shyly, "go...ahead."
"With pleasure," he smirks, tugging you towards him to kiss you, cupping your face in his hands, holding you firm and tight while he kisses you, trying to pinpoint the exact flavor of the lollipop you just licked.

Good lord...he tastes cherry.
If that wasn't enough of a turn on, he doesn't know what is.
As he pulls away, he chuckles low in his breath, his finger delicately tracing the lines of your jaw.

"Cherry," he whispers, breath blowing against your face.
You nod. "That's right," you respond, blushing still from the heat of the kissing, and the fact that he's so close to you.

"Mmm," he wraps both arms around you, murmuring into your neck while his hands trail down your back. "What time does your break end?"

You inhale sharply from his touch. "thirty minutes..." you say through a tight lipped, nervous whisper. "What...about yours?"
In truth, his break ends in five minutes, but he won't admit it. Besides...he's too excited to even leave.

And, your break ends in thirty minutes? Plenty of time to, have a little fun.

"My break ends when I say it does. Now..." he pulls you into his arms, before you feel yourself being lifted off the couch, being held up by him. "Let's play...but without the lollipops, okay kitten?"
Heat floods your cheeks, knowing exactly what he means from just the tone of his voice and the smirk on his face.

You nod, slowly, shyly, and he grins.
"Good..." he says, kissing you as he carries you to the door of the bedroom, shutting it behind him and locking it, completely drowning out the world and everyone it in for as long as he wants.

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