Imagine 7: Her name, Alexia💋 (Pt.1) (Vox)

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pairing: OC! Deer Demon! Alastor's daughter! Alexia x Vox

requested by hoplessromantic4356

*summary: Alexia is Alastor's look-alike (in appearance and in powers), though she's quite the rebellious one.
She hates being told what to do, so much so that she goes against it and does things her father hates, like partying, dating losers. One day, Alexia shows up to the Vees party, and a certain TV Demon catches her eye.
What better way to piss of her dad then going and getting close with his number one enemy?*

"Do you have an invite?" a bodyguard asks, as he rudely steps in and stands in Alexia's way as she tries to get inside the Vees studio for the party that's being held.
Alexia huffs, crossing her arms and tilting her head in a smug manner. "Do I even NEED an invite? Last I heard, this was a party, not some fucking little boy's clubhouse up in a tree."


Alexia pushes past the bodyguard as if he weighed no more than a feather, snapping her fingers so that the door opens and she has entry, all the while the guards stare at her in shock.
She simply smirks at them over her shoulder, playfully blowing them a teasing kiss and as the doors slam behind her.

Upon first glance, some might mistake her for another. Someone who's the very well-known individual in Hell. An Overlord deer demon, with a tendency to smile a lot even in the worst of times.
Some call him the Radio Demon. Though to Alexia, she refers to him as dad.

Alastor, the Radio Demon, is Alexia's father. No doubt, she loves him--most times--but she's at the age where being told what to do--especially by someone like him with his standards--gets her in lots of arguments and fights with him.

He tries his best to raise her, though she feels he's trying to shape her into another version of him, which is the exact opposite of what she wants to be.
She wants to enjoy the modern age that Hell is shifting to. She wants to try all the newest fashion trends, have cellphones and watch TV, go out of dates with guys--even if they're losers, but hey...the more losers, the more she'll tick off Alastor.

Still...despite all this, she is Alastor's only daughter, and he tries his best to treat her like a princess. Even though every little thing she does always ticks Alastor off.
Hell, he doesn't even know that she's out and about wearing a tight red spaghetti strapped dress to show off at the Vees party. That alone could cause her dad a heart attack.

But he's already dead, she thinks to herself.

As she enters the party, her eyes glance around the crowds of unfamiliar faces, dancing, holding drinks in the air, talking amongst each other, and above all having a blast.
She smirks, raising her arms to pull the strings of the ribbon in her hair to let it fall past her shoulders.

Alexia looks just like Alastor, same head of red and black hair, same deer ears, red eyes, and she even has fangs sticking out of her mouth--though they aren't yellow, as she brushes them every day.
She even had her dress designed in such a way it shows off her deer tail--something her dad, Alastor, demands that she hides, but she doesn't listen to him.

Besides, it's the tail and the hair that gets the attention ;)

After making her rounds, getting a good view of the people here, she goes to the bar and orders a drink, sitting down on the bar stool to enjoy her long island iced tea before going off to dance the night away. Who knows what waits in store for her tonight.
Whatever it may be...she's down for the ride.

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