·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ Loyal

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Obsessive Edward x Reader
Requested: EdwardsWife__

In the bustling halls of Paper School, where creativity flowed like ink, there was an unlikely duo that caught everyone's attention: Edward, with his spiky, long white hair adorned with short black devil horns, and [Y], a gender-neutral student who exuded an aura of mystery and charm.

Edward was utterly obsessed with [Y], their every move captivating his attention like a moth to a flame.

Despite being one of the school's notorious bullies, Edward's heart belonged to [Y]. He would go to great lengths to protect them, even if it meant resorting to his fists. One day, someone dared to speak ill of [Y], Edward didn't hesitate to unleash his fury, fists flying with a ferocity that startled even his closest friends.

[Y] remained unfazed, watching Edward's antics with a knowing smirk. They appreciated his loyalty but found amusement in his over-the-top gestures. To [Y], Edward was like a character in a play, and they were content to watch him perform.

As Edward caught his breath, his adrenaline still coursing through his veins, [Y] approached him with a calm demeanor that belied the chaos that had just unfolded.

"[Y], did you see that?" Edward's voice crackled with excitement, his eyes alight with fervor.

[Y] nodded, their expression unreadable behind their enigmatic gaze. "I saw, Edward. You certainly made your point."

A grin spread across Edward's face, relief washing over him as [Y] acknowledged his efforts. "I had to do it, [Y]. No one talks about you like that and gets away with it."

[Y] tilted their head, their gaze piercing through Edward's bravado. "You know, sometimes actions speak louder than words."

Edward paused, contemplating [Y]'s words. "Yeah, I guess you're right. But I'll do anything to protect you, [Y]. You mean everything to me."

[Y] smiled softly, a hint of amusement dancing in their eyes. "I appreciate your loyalty, Edward. Just remember, I can handle myself."

They walked side by side, Edward felt a sense of warmth envelop him, knowing that [Y] was by his side, even if their dynamic was unconventional. In [Y]'s presence, Edward felt like he could conquer anything, even the chaos of Paper School.

As the days passed, Edward's infatuation with [Y] only grew stronger, while [Y] continued to enjoy the spectacle of his devotion from a safe distance. Together, they formed an unlikely bond, each finding something intriguing in the other amidst the chaos of Paper School.

Not bad me, not bad

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