~*~|| Forsaken ||~*~

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Abhimanyu was the one, who had reacted first

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Abhimanyu was the one, who had reacted first. The others had been too shell shocked to be of any use at that particular moment. 

The way Arjun's characteristic hawk like marble gaze had became almost a luminescent white and then his eyes had rolled back into his head, had to be the scariest thing he has ever seen in his life. 

"Baba!", he yelled frantically, not realising that he hadn't addressed his father like that in a very long time. The more formal 'pitashree' being his preference of late. 

He had leaped over the centre table which had the map of the battleground drawn meticulously, scattering a few pieces of the wooden marks of the warriors and soldiers used for planning, to reach the other side in a fluid move.

Sahadev who had been seated the closest to him had reacted the next second, after having been broken out of his shock by his youngest nephew and managed to catch his limbless brother just a second too late. The archer's forehead had caught the edge of the table and split open immediately. 

"Bhrata Arjun! Nakul move your arse and get here quick!"

Abhimanyu had never heard his polite, soft spoken uncle use such a crass word before. Though the sheer frustration on the youngest Madriputra's serene face couldn't overpower the anguish in his eyes. Nakul had launched into action at his twin's harsh command and was roughly pulling off the warriors crowding over an unconscious Arjun in Sahadev's arms. 

"Move please! Give him air! Move aside!"

Abhi felt a strange kinship with his younger uncles at the moment. 

They must have seen his father be this impregnable wall, all their life just like him. The way, only younger siblings can hero worship their older brothers and in their minds the latter were unconquerable and unbreakable. 

Considering who his father is, those two words were almost synonymous to his very name. 

"Rub his feet Abhi. I need the blood to circulate faster. His vitals are falling."

Nakul barked at his youngest nephew who scrambled from where he had been clutching Arjun's limp hand. He sat by his feet and removed his slippers and started to vigorously rub his feet, alternating between both. 

Sahadev was peering into his brother's face, checking the whites of his eyes as a frantic desperation started to take a sharp hold on him. He couldn't sense Arjun's life force anymore. He had always been aware of his brothers souls around him. Being the offspring of the fabled divine doctors of Indra's court, the Ashwin Kumars, he could sense even a slight disruption in anyone's essence. 

Draupadi had by then fallen on her knees beside her husband, rubbing one of his larger scarred hand in both of her smaller ones continuously. The tears in her large amber eyes still refusing to fall, as if afraid that the disobedience might cost her something terrible. 

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