~*~|| Clash of Titans ||~*~

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"Looking for someone Angaraja?"

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"Looking for someone Angaraja?"

Karna hissed as the arrow sliced through his forearm, barely missed the shell of his left ear and whizzed past him with such speed that it was nearly rendered invisible to the naked eye. 

Even if the King of Anga would not have recognized that slightly humorous tilt in that ever familiar baritone then the dexterity of the shot would have announced the attacker with clear certainty. 

He turned towards the other man and pointed his bow in a welcoming stance, his handsome face marred with the typical cruel smirk that had always been his trademark expression. 

"You missed."

Karna shouted back through the din of the uproarious battle as the midday sun seemed to get enthused by the entry of his spiritual child, threatening to burn down everyone on its path. Grime and sweat rolled down both the armies' anticipatory faces as their beady eyes glittered alight with the promise of impending bloodshed. 

"I never miss."

Arjuna smirked back, a hint of a strangely calculated sparkle in his sapphiric gaze which was as alien on the usually serene faced prince of thunder as is a stain in the pious waves of the Ganga. 

Karna scowled as he noticed that Arjuna's arrow had effectively cut down the flagstaff of his golden chariot which now lay dusty on the red slicked ground beneath. The third Pandava tilted his head in a mock bow as if he was merely pleasing his rival with his undaunted prowess and was definitely not taunting him per se. 

As expected it incensed the son of Surya and the glare of a sunburnt heat stung the dark skinned prince along his scarred arms which didn't quite seem to affect Kunti's youngest either way. 

The air around them was charged electric. 

"Came out of your hiding finally have you, Kuntiputra!", Karna jeered raucously, his amber eyes aglow in burning hatred. 

"I have been on the field for days now Radheya. But where were you again? Sulking like a five year old back in the tents?", Arjuna replied nonchalantly like he was but asking about the weather. 

"Sharp words won't save you from my arrows today Partha"

"Are you all bark no bite then, Vasusen? I seem to remember a different version of you back in Matsya. Pray tell, how is the chest wound?"

Savyasachi laughed as the next attack upon him wasn't one of the nature of words. 

Yet none of Karna's familiarly gold tufted arrows could even cross the halfway mark before being cleanly severed into two. 

It was a few minutes of pure chaos as the two warriors showered incessant missiles at each other. They had created such a thick curtain of metallic shards that not even their mounts were visible to the audience. 

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