Chapter 2 - First responders

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Imperial Palace, Odea, Greater Empire of Pangea

Inside the Emperor's office, a lone man in his late 30s. He stood at the nearby window in shock as he saw an explosion at the distance. From what he initially thought, a police helicopter crashed into one of the towering buildings and a shadow of a particular creature at the dark skies flew away from the blaze, casting an eerie shadow, while followed by a series of gunshots.

Until a sudden burst of opening of his office's doors, before multiple figures filed in the room, adorned in black trench coats and wielding sub-machine guns, and assault rifles, while some even wielding semi-automatic shotguns.

"You're Highness! We have to take you to the bunker!" One of the imperial agents, which is a Sapient blurted out in urgency.

The Pangean Emperor looked back at his guards with a firm nod as he and his men walked out of the room.

"Emperor Theo!" The Emperor's secretary called out as she walked side by side with the Pangean leader.

"Do we have any information against the hostiles?" Emperor Theo asked.

"So far, yougreatnessness... according to the reports, what the law enforcements describe. The invading army was welding medieval weapons such as swords and shields and heavy weapons such as trebuchets... and what is most disturbing... they also possessed a Wyvern, which the creature took out our two police choppers, and the unknown medieval army completely overwhelmed our police officers with sheer numbers. Depleting their ammunition." She concluded her report with panicked evident in her voice.

Emperor Theo clicked his tongue in frustration with the current grim developments.

As they walked towards a red door. One of the Sapient agents, the head of the security, immediately put his identification card towards the scanner before putting a series of numbers towards the console before granting them with a soft beep. The pair of red doors opened with a hiss, slowly sliding to each side. Revealing what seems to be an elevator.

"Give us 5 minutes, you're greatness." The head security politely requested to Emperor Theo.

With a simple nod of confirmation from the Emperor. The Sapient agent nodded back in acknowledgement.

"Lock down the Imperial palace." The agent said to his earpiece as he walked away, followed by 6 other agents.

The group immediately entered before one of the agents pressed the 'Sub-Level 5' button as the door gently closed.

Feeling themselves gently floating for a second as the elevator descends. Emperor Theo glanced to his secretary with a firm look.

"Get me the Generals and the Prime Minister on the line." He ordered.


With their campaign of conquest going smoothly.

A young noble stood beside the Saderan General. His pale skin illuminated as the burning flames at the distance gazed upon him, and blue eyes glanced the surroundings of the gate. Having experienced a fierce battle back on his homeland against some minor kingdoms that fell swiftly due to their superior tactics and numbers. He hoped they would succeed in swift victory and decisively.

The Saderan General, Amulius Orissus. Stood beside the young nobleman with satisfaction.

"We will end this conquest swiftly against these barbarians." General Amuluis confidently stated.

The young nobleman, Galerius. Nodded, eager to gain the spoils of this world and slaves. Marking a new territory for his empire. And eager to gain EmpeMoltMolt's attention and trust for him. Yet, there is an uncertainty lingering at the back of his mind, a premonition. A thought that keeps bugging him as time passes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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