The explanation

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So as you guys know someone requested a chapter I started it but you know the writers like me have a lot of drama in their life's anyway things got better and I have been having problems in school like with my math teacher and some friends you know all those things and I have been going to therapy again so that's good and I have been taking school more seriously than ever since next Tuesday April 16 I have my STAAR for ELA/Reading or English I don't know how you guys call it but yeah

Another things is what happened on may I think when you know all the Shelby and well you know who situation started exposing him it has been hard to believe what he did since I could have never expected that from him and he has been there since I was more younger than I am know like I put one of his songs and his band written on my shoes if someone knows how to take it off please tell me

It's been hard not to hear one of his songs because they keep appearing and dude it's just so hard to skip it I feel the pain anyway Shelby didn't deserve anything that he did

And my opinion is that he did something wrong yes like very wrong like dude a whole ass mistake and Shelby deserved better so I support Shelby but I'm not also gonna be a hater to him I have seen people on TikTok that just take it too far like saying "this is your bat this is mine the person we're gonna beat up" and the person is him

And I'm like dude okay are we gonna torture or kill the guy now? I just hope he gets some help and he apologizes better one day I don't think he deserves to be fucking tortured guys please don't actually beat up the guy like just don't one thing is hating another thing is beating him up

Anyway then whe have the George situation he was proofed innocent yay I knew it he would never do that and yeah good for George I forgot the girls name but girl you keep changing the story like what the fuck

And then why would she now just wait a whole year to say something about it girl your still under age to drink Lille I don't know but whatever yeah guys

Well I don't know if I'm gonna get back to writing depends I don't know person that send me that request I'm sorry dude it's life

Not taking how the quackity X he and well you know chapters because it's like destroying my own work like no I'm not destroying my own work I don't know how I'm gonna write chapters know

So you guys have ships to do with quackity because I need help

Oh well that's it bye guys

Don't be depressed 👍🤠

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