I - Soulmate AU (PART TWO)

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AN: I've decided to not keep anyone waiting any longer and just write this shit as it comes. So. Enjoy. (Also, this is probably gonna be like...a four part? So, it's definitely not done.)


When he arrived at Hazel's house (mansion), the door was opened by the exact same guy who had run into Will earlier at school. 

"Oh." He seemed kind of surprised to see him. "Wait, you're Will?"

"Uh, yeah? Why?"

"I-" he shook his head. "No, nothing. Hazel's waiting," he muttered, then disappeared. 

Will arched his eyebrows in confusion, but stepped inside anyway. Sure enough, everyone else was already there. Hazel immediately got up from where she was seated in the ground when she saw him. 

"Will! Thank gods!" She exclaimed. She shot a nervous look at something behind him. "Nico didn't, uh, say anything, right?" 

"Um, no? Why?"

"Nothing," Hazel said quickly. She turned back to the room. "Anyway, since everyone's here, what do you want to do first?" 

There was a round of murmurs as they all exchanged glances. Will perched on the nearest chair he could find, wanting to watch more than engage. 

Finally, Leo spoke up. "How's charades?"

. . .

One important thing to remember about Hazel: Underneath her sweet personality, she was actually really competitive. Almost as competitive as Annabeth and Jason, which was saying something. 

Will watched as Percy did what looked like a lot of intense dance moves. He mimicked diving and coming back up, then looked at them expectantly. 

"Uhhh..." Jason said. "Worm?"

Percy let out an audible groan and shook his head. 

"Um, I've got this. A fish?" Hazel guessed. Percy pointed frantically at her, then slumped, doing some vigorous hand gestures. "Uh...it's a type of fish?" Percy nodded. 

"What's a rhyming word?" Annabeth demanded. 

Percy stared at her, looking positively miserable. He raised his hands in an I have no idea gesture. 

She sighed. "Do it again." 

Percy did as he was told, and Will felt like someone had turned his brain on. 

"Uh." Everyone turned to look at him. "Dolphin?" 

Percy threw his hands up. "Dude, YES! FINALLY!" 

Will smiled awkwardly. "Okay, then." 

Annabeth was glaring daggers at Will. "Well, you're next." 

He cleared his throat. "Um, actually, could I get some fresh air first? I think I need a break. You guys go ahead, don't wait for me." 

They all shrugged, so Will crept out of the room quietly, so as not to disturb Hazel's siblings' and parents'. He had been to Hazel's house a couple of times, so he had a rough layout of the house, but it was still huge. Somehow, Will managed to find the central balcony that overlooked the garden. When he got there, though, someone else was already there. 

Will paused, not wanting to disturb, but the figure turned around. 

It was Nico.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt," Will apologise. "I'll go."

Nico watched him. "Wait," he said quietly. 

Will hesitated. "Yes?"

"Listen, I uh. I'm only telling you this because I feel bad. You're a good person, and you don't deserve it, but," Nico sighed. "I think you should stop looking for your soulmate."

Will stared at him. He didn't understand what Nico was saying. "What?"

"I- I've never told anyone about this, but I think you deserve to know."

"What are you-"

Nico pushed his sleeves up and removed a bead bracelet. He gestured for Will to look. 

Will swallowed, and took a tiny step forward, enough to see his wrist clear. 

And there it was. 

AN: Well? What do you think? Sorry it's short.

Word count: 588

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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