Chapter 9: Unexpected Confessions

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Alexia Riddle

Professor Lupin sat in front us in his office. He had served us all tea. Professor Snape had already been here once to give a sort of potion to Lupin. He had emptied that cauldron long ago. I was almost positive Tom knew what potion it was. I would ask him later. Lupin still hadn't told us the reason for calling us here.

"Professor, may I ask why you have called us here?" I voiced out the question lingering in the air.

"Yes. I wanted to see how you were doing. Both of you," He pointed at me and Matt, "And to also ask what that boggart was about." He treaded carefully with his words. I could feel his hesitation as he said the last sentence. Unfortunately for us, Tom's neck snapped towards us the second the word "boggart" was uttered. We hadn't yet had time to tell him and honestly, I was hoping we would never have to.

"Boggart? What boggart?" Tom's sharp gaze assessed our faces. I sinked lower in my chair. I wouldn't mind if the floor swallowed me whole at this moment. Mattheo was looking anywhere but at Tom.

"That is something we are not comfortable with sharing, sir." I told him as politely as I could. Tom gave us a look that meant, 'we are going to discuss this later' then he turned his attention back to Professor Lupin. Matt whistled a sigh of temporary relief.

"You are a lot like your mother, Alexia." My eyes widened at his sudden confession. How did he know our mother? I mean she went to school during his time but I didn't think they knew each other. I was an idiot for thinking so because if she was close with the Black brothers, she was probably close with Sirius's friends too. While, this may be a shock to me and Tom, for Mattheo, this was a bombshell. He didn't even have a slight clue as to who our mother was and having someone confess to knowing her was definitely a shock. His eyes were wide and his mouth hung low in surprise, he was blinking rapidly as if he was trying to see if he were dreaming.

"You knew our mother?" His voice was barely more than whisper.

Lupin nodded. "I did. She was Regulus's best friend. She was devasted when he died. Tried to contact us too, but of course during those times, it wasn't safe. And she had you to take care of then," He pointed at Tom. Tom gulped hard, "And soon she had you two. She almost lost herself at the loss of her best friend, more so because you had lost your Godfather." Regulus was Tom's Godfather. Tom was so excited when he found out he had a Godfather but equally disappointed and upset when said Godfather wasn't alive. Lupin continued,
"I knew who your mother was when I first saw you three. Its unfortunate, you look so much like Voldemort,"
"That's why I hate my face." Tom interrupted wryly.
Lupin continued unfazed, "but your eyes. All of you have her eyes. I would recognize those Emerald eyes anywhere." He finished.

We were silent for a moment but I couldn't keep this question in anymore,"How was she like?" I had wanted to know this all my life and this was finally my chance.

Lupin's eyes gained a reminiscing look, "Amara was beautiful and kind to everyone even if they didn't deserve it. She lit up every room she walked into and light was truly diminished from this world when she died." I closed my eyes and tried to imagine her along the lines or what Lupin said. It seemed like she was so much like Sabrina and that she was sent to me by my mother and both of them were taken away from me by our sperm giver.
Even the thought of him caused rage to burn in my blood. I really wished I could kill him with my own hands.

"How did she die?" Mattheo asked Lupin. If only he knew.
"I do not know that." It was time to tell Mattheo. If not her identity then everything else we knew about her. I looked at Tom and his expression told me that he thought the same.


"Can you imagine the odds of Lupin knowing her?" Mattheo scoffed.
"I know" I murmured absent-mindedly. I was still thinking about how to break the news to Mattheo.

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