2: Friends in Peculiar Places

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"The Baroness has a very specific lunch order that you're gonna have to learn," Estella said. Estella was also one of the Baroness's maids, and she had been training you on maid duty. Her hands chop like a machine. "Soy salmon, lemon-zest risotto, cucumber sliced into two-inch diagonals at an eighth of an inch with sprinkled with seven leaves of parsley, shredded, not torn." She quoted as she cooked. "And can she tell?" You asked, as Estella picked up a crumpet for herself. "Oh Y/N, silly, she can tell. She can tell if you spit in her drink, sneeze on her muffin." She laughed. "You... spit and sneeze on her stuff...?" You questioned, curious. "I don't, the rest of us do." Estella giggled, mischievously, her smirk telling the actual answer.

After you plated (well... watched Estella so it) the risotto, Estella trays the food and the two of you walk towards the Baroness's study, where it seems that she had a meeting with two investor type men, comical seeming. One short and round, the other tall and lean. The two of you stop before the door, despite it being open. "Estella-" "Shh."

"Your ladyship, as the department stores that are stocking your range, we think we should discuss some feedback." The Baroness's face contorted into a sick grin, it was clear she had feedback for them, rather than the other way around. "Feedback! Perfect. I will start. You, sir," she said, gesturing to one of the men, "you're short, you're fat, you reek of anchovies and you're colourblind, yet you pretend you aren't." The short and fat man shuffled in embarrassment at all of the Baroness's comments, and Estella snickered, looking delighted, yet fascinated. The Baroness was bold, bold for a woman in such a position.

And yet, the Baroness still wasn't done! "And you? Your revenue is down by... what? 12 and a half percent? Your foot traffic, 15." She said, haughty, much to the disgust and surprise of the second man. "Yes, Jeremy, I do my own research." She quipped, "Not to mention that bombshell of a store which I know for a fact hasn't been refurbished since the Blitz. Are you aiming for people to buy a dress or to duck and cover?" She teased.

The two of you shuffle in, as the Baroness keeps talking. "The money meant for refurnishing? We both know what's happened with that, don't we. You've been embezzling it, stashing it away in a Swiss bank." She finished it off with the blow of reciting the bank numbers one by one. The Baroness laughs, with a clap, "I'm done! Your turn, all ears, boys!" Yet they scurried off, sniffling loudly and walking out. Estella hushes your laughter, warningly.

 Estella hushes your laughter, warningly

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"And here's lunch, I see. And the grubby girls!"

Estella passed you the tray and you walked to the Baroness. She commands you to, "Stay," as she scrutinised the meal. "Very good." She commanded you away, but not before her hand brushed against yours. Soft, unintentional, but electric. You shuffled back, hoping the heat you felt on your face was simply just the fact it was a hot day...

It was not.

"Y/N~" Estella taunted, mockingly, sitting on your mattress. "Estella." You replied, face hiding a lot of pent up embarrassment. She sees this, and smiles, slinging her undone apron over her shoulder, pulling you closer. "No no, darling, you're okay. A gal's gotta eat, I get you. But the Baroness? Really?" "Estella, please! She touched my hand, so what? She... gave me a job, good for me. She... has... a roof... over my head..." you mumbled. "And that doesn't make you want to date her? Chivalry, generosity?"

"I- I don't know if I can... with women... again..."

"You're a toxic pile of shit. It's not my fault you lied about what happened to you, you slut." Still her words sting, maiming your holy ground.


Humble - Jamie-Mai Semmons-Waite

🎶 Clear my throat, time to write a song
About how you did me wrong
You wrote the book on manipulation, so I'm taking in consideration 🎶

🎶 Share but receive, take then you keep, and live off the pain I bear
And I swear, you were only there until you don't care 🎶

🎶 I built a home, and you tore it apart
Use my demons to torture my scars
And all I had was handed over 🎶

🎶 And now
You've taken this place as your own
Make then you break till it's gone 🎶

🎶 No, I just can't stand it
I just can't stand 🎶


"I'm not dating, end of story." You insist, "Celeste and I literally just broke up!" And I'm still clinging to the hope she'll come around and whisk me up, maid uniform and all, and tell me this was all a bad dream, you added in silent thought. And either way, how long after you lose the person you love can you dare chase someone new? Estella shook her head, almost knowing your thought. "The novelty of this job is going to wear out fast, you might as well look at something or someone through rose coloured glasses." She said, pointedly. "The novelty?" You questioned. "You have a short window as a maid here, where the Baroness understands you're new, you're bound to not be perfect. After that window, any slip up could and can cost you, big time." Estella spoke warningly, as though this were a children's story, over a cracking fire. "She's not my type." You lied.

Your shoulder was graced with Estella's hand, and your face was delivered an expression quite serious. "You can't keep living your life clinging to the people who hurt you. It's human to crush on someone, and although I think your taste is... odd, it's not me who is the one tasting it." She stands up and leaves your room, giving you one last smile as she walked out.

"Goodnight, Y/N."

"Night Estella."

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