Chapter 2

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Rachel stood up, so she could see Quinn's face better, she was still holding Quinn's hand.

''Quinn?! I'm here, Rachel.'' The grip on their hands was still tighten, Quinn was holding her hand.

Hazel eyes went open.

''Quinn!'' Rachel could almost cry because of happiness.

But in the next moment Quinn started coughing really badly, there came a weird sound out of her mouth. A few machines were making noises. The door of the room went open and there ran some doctors inside. Rachel could see panic in Quinn's eyes. Rachel was about to be pushed away by a doctor, but Quinn was still holding her hand and was looking with panicking eyes to Rachel now.

''Quinn, it's okay.'' Rachel whispered quietly, but actually she didn't know what was happening.

Quinn calmed a bit down by hearing Rachel's voice.

Rachel squeezed into Quinn's hand before she was pushed away out of the room. She was standing outside of the room with the doctor who had pushed her away. Rachel could cry about what she just had seen.

''Is she going to be okay?''

''Yes, it isn't worse. It is actually a good sign. She wanted to breath on her own and she succeeded. But the tube was in her way and that caused her to cough. They are probably removing the tube right now and then we will hope she actually really can breathe on her own since her left lung was trapped. But don't worry, everything will be okay.'' He gave a supportive smile to Rachel and then he walked back into the room, because they probably needed him.

Rachel didn't know what to do and just slid down next to the door. Sure Quinn was going to be okay, but she just couldn't forget seeing Quinn with panicking eyes looking to her. Rachel just sat there thinking about everything, this whole day. Winning regionals, the wedding, Finn and of course Quinn.


An hour later Rachel had met Santana and Brittany in the waiting room. Quinn's mom was in Quinn's room. Others had left since it was starting to be late and they couldn't visit Quinn. Quinn was moved to the ICU, she no longer had to be in the OR/ER. The tube from her throat was removed and breathing on her own was actually going well. She is having a bit pain with breathing on her own, like the doctor said. But it'll luckily go away soon. Rachel, Santana and Brittany weren't allowed to go to Quinn's room now. Since Quinn needed to rest. They were going to sleep in the waiting room, since they didn't want to leave Quinn and go home.

The time Rachel was away, Santana and Brittany had calmed Mrs Fabray. She had broken down, but what would you do if your child ends up in a car accident paralyzed? Right now she is trying to stay strong for her own 'Quinnie'.

Rachel looked to Santana and Brittany who were sleeping while holding each other. Rachel tried to find a good position in the annoying hospital chair but she just couldn't get into a good position. So she just closed her eyes and felt into restless sleep.


The next day Santana was the first one woken up. So she went to search her dad, since it was his work day. When she had find him he was about to go to a patient. So he would come to her if he was ready, she got his pass from the hospital, for food etc. So she went to the restaurant to get them some breakfast.

The time she walked back into the waiting room where they had slept, Brittany and Rachel were awake.

''I got us some breakfast.'' She said while she placed the tray on a table, ''I just got some random things, so just grab what you like.''

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