Chapter 3

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Rachel walked into her home after her dad had picked her up from the hospital. But when she walked into the living room she saw someone she didn't expected, someone she actually didn't want to see yet.

''Finn? What are you doing here?'' She sighed quietly, he sat on the couch.

''Coming to see you, what else? You haven't answered any of your calls or messages.''

''Maybe I didn't want to.'' Rachel said slightly annoyed, she has hardly even touched her phone in the last few days.

''Rachel, what's wrong?'' Finn walked towards her and placed his hand on her arm.

''If it was that necessary what you wanted to say, why didn't you come to the hospital?''

''Because I didn't want to go to hospital, Quinn has ruined our wedding. I've found a new date for our wed-''

''FINN! Don't you dare to finish that sentence! Quinn has been in an accident, because she was going to our wedding, to your wedding. And now she is paralyzed, because of us. She didn't ruin our wedding, we ruined her life. And all you wanna talk about is a new date for our wedding.''

''I didn't know it was that bad..''

''I don't want to speak with you now Finn, I'll see you on school Monday.'' With that Rachel walked away towards her room.

Walking into the room she sat down on her bed and got her phone, she opened her contact list. When she scrolled down to the Q, she saw Quinn's name and clicked on it. She typed a message and read it over before she hit the send button.

Hope you enjoyed today Quinn, if you'd like it I can come and visit tomorrow again and bring some movies with me? Goodnight Quinn x Rachel

After a few minutes she got a message back and she took her phone, she had a smile on her face while reading it.

Quinn Fabray: I'd really like that, I'll be bored here anyway so just come whenever you like it. I really had a great time Rachel, thank for being there for me. Goodnight you too x Quinn

Rachel liked to make her friend happy again, after everything what happened.


When Rachel had woken up, she first did her morning routine. Then she went to search for movies, but she actually didn't know what Quinn would like. So she just got her laptop, which are bunch of movies and series on. After she was done with that, she went to the kitchen to make some 'Rachel Berry' cookies for Quinn. Actually she's really horrible in cooking, but when it's about cookies it's totally different.

When the cookies were done, she waited for her dads to wake up. They always did a brunch on Sundays, family time has always been an important thing for the Berry's. After the brunch she would go to visit Quinn.


Quinn had woken up really different, first she got the good news that they could remove the IV. She was glad about that, because it was really annoying. Quinn actually didn't really like hospitals, but are there even people who like it? But she also has memories from being in the hospital, like when Beth was born. It made Quinn feel a little sad, because she could never see her again, her daughter. It made her think about how many things she has actually screwed up.

After that she had to go through a scan, which she was actually a bit afraid of. First of all she needed to be carried by some doctors to get into the scan, because obviously she couldn't do it herself. When the doctors had put her down, she went into the scan. She wasn't allowed to move, well it wasn't hard because she can't make her legs move. This was also the first time she had faced her legs after the accident. It was scary, she didn't even know where they were, because she just couldn't feel them, it was like it weren't her legs. Quinn felt horrible again. She was glad when the scan was finally done.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2015 ⏰

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