⊹ ࣪ ˖ map bitch

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season 1 #episode 1

⇢ ˗ˏˋ what we had won't be the same now ࿐ྂ




"Lynnie I swear to god, if you don't hurry up I will kick this door in and pull your ugly hair out! Other people need to use the bathroom too!" Junia hadn't heard her alarm that morning and now stood in front of the locked bathroom door.

"Junia, don't swear and especially not to god! Have you not read the bible like I told you to? Unbelievable! Now leave your poor sister alone, I have made breakfast." Her mother said from the kitchen. She was a very religious and strict woman, who was so closed minded that she never even realised that her forcing her children go to church every sunday will only make them less religious.

"Thanks mum.." June just mumbled, grabbing the food her mother made for her and eating it tiredly. "Will Anthony pick you up for school? I heard he got his drivers license this summer!"
"Uhm, no Spid- err Spencer will drive us, but Anthony will be there as well."

As she finished her sentence, she heard the bathroom door open and her sister coming out.
"FINALLY! Wait- Linny are you wearing my makeup? Awee it looks adorable!" She smiled at her little sister, who just rolled her eyes at her, "I'm not adorable, I'm like a year younger than you. Anyway, can you take me to school? Or one of your friends at least, Stacy said the bus has a problem and won't drive until this afternoon."
"Sure sissy" "Ugh, shut up!"

The two blondes grabbed their bags when they saw Spider's red car outside, and went outside.
"Hey June I see you brought your cute sister!" Spider smiled wickedly at them, earning a glate from the older one and a blush from the younger sister.

"You are so disgusting Spider it makes me sick." June sat herself at the back next to Ant, giving him a wide smile, who gladly returned it, happy to see his,, best friend again.
"Hi Antsy"
"Hi Juni"
"Right now it's you two making me feel sick." Lynn said, to which Spider next to her snorted. "That's what I get for wanting to protect my little sister from an arse like Spider, that's just great!" June retorted.


Arriving at school, June said a quick bye to her sister, and went to Dusty with Ant and Spider, after spotting him. They all fell into easy conversation to catch up on some stuff.

When Amerie, Missy and Sasha walked past them without Harper anywhere near them, Spider called out to them, "Ah, missing your fourth witch?" "Piss of Spider" The pink haired girl rolled her eyes.

"Hey, Amerie. How're your holidays?" When June saw Dusty speaking to Amerie, she nudged Ant quickly and nodded to the two.
"Yeah, fine" Amerie was not subtle at hiding her crush at Dusty, she thought, as she took the blushing girl into sight.

"You and Amerie thing now Dusty?" Junia asked the curly haired boy. "Nah, we were just talking." To that, June let out a quiet laugh, leaning her body slightly into Ant's. "Sure bro."

"Oi! There's a fully-gacked sex map in the old stairwell!" A red haired girl shouted, to which hell broke loose. People were muttering everywhere, trying to make their way as fast as they could to the spot.

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