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September 17th 2019 / 2 months and 3 weeks later Tuesday

Sanas POV


"Sana meet my friend Momo", Mina said introducing me to the girl.


"Hi nice to meet you", I said.

"Enjoy the conversation I'm off for work", mina said and left.

"So what do you do?".

"I'm a choreography for idols".

"Oh wow really?", I asked.

She nodded.

"What about you?".

"I own serval business and have my own apps".

"Mina mentioned you we're like some sugar mummy?".

"Yes I am. But recently the one I had. I fell on love with and I thought she'd felt the same way but she went and got a boyfriend and then got angry at me for finding a new sugar baby".

"Sounds heart-breaking for you", she said.

"It was and still recovering. It be good to have a new friend that's Japanese I only have mina".

"Well im excited to be your friend. The way mina talk about you sounded like she found my soulmate".

I chuckled.


"So, how did you and Mina meet?", Momo asked, her curiosity piqued.

"We actually childhood friends", I replied, recalling the serendipitous encounter that had brought Mina into my life.

"That's lovely", Momo remarked, a warm smile gracing her lips.

"What about you?".

"We met when she came to my dance school some investigation going on there. She's a very intelligent women".

"Yes she is. Save me when I was in a hostage moment", I said.


"Well I wasn't hostage I guess. My sugar baby. The one I mentioned earlier. Her parents got into some serious situation. She didn't tell me and only found out when my plane was hijacked by one of the criminals part of the organization".

"You did a lot for that sugar baby and she still didn't see you anything more than just a women giving her money", she said.


~ Time Skip ~

I found myself opening up to Momo in a way I hadn't expected. There was something about her easy-going demeanour and genuine interest in my life that put me at ease, allowing me to share my thoughts and feelings without reservation.

"I can't believe how quickly time has flown",  Momo remarked, glancing at her watch with a smile.

"I've had such a wonderful time getting to know you, Sana."

"Me too", I replied, returning her smile with gratitude.

"Thank you for such a lovely afternoon"

As we gathered our belongings and prepared to part ways, I felt a sense of anticipation bubbling within me. It was rare to meet someone with whom I clicked so effortlessly, and I couldn't help but feel excited about the prospect of forging a new friendship with Momo. We exchanged contact information and promised to meet up again soon.

~ Time Skip ~

Jihyo POV

Jungkook's House / Bedroom

I sat on the edge of the bed, staring blankly at the wall, my thoughts consumed by memories of her—Sana. Even with my boyfriend, Jungkook, beside me, I can't shake the emptiness that gnaws at my heart. I cant stop thinking about her. Sana. A tear slips down my cheek, and I quickly wipe it away, cursing myself for being so sentimental. But the truth is, I miss her—more than I ever thought possible. I miss her infectious laughter, her underwhelming affection, the way she kissed me, touched me. I bury my face in my hands, the weight of my longing threatening to crush me. It's irrational, I know, to feel this way—to miss someone so fiercely when Im with someone else. Because I wasn't an asshole and didn't realise how much I care about her. How much she impacted my life. How much I want her now.

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