Part 3 - The Discovery

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Ayra. P.O.V
In 1859, Charles Darwin had a theory called the Theory of Evolution. How natural selection chooses the best of us and eliminates the worse. This theory happens with every animal, even were wolves. Were wolves first began when a man and woman went for a swim in a lake, The Holy (meaning that you can't go in it) Lake of Blaid. As punishment, their offspring would be half animal. They had 4 children, Ungualas the Centaur, Pardus the Miau, Hircum the Saytr, Denti the Vampire, and Nocte the Werewolf. These people had children and those children had children etc. Now these creatures are stronger and smarter than they ever were, all because of those humans who overlooked the creature's implications and looked at their personality. These creatures are still around today and this shows how natural selection doesn't always choose the most natural of us.

The meaning of the story shows that know matter what you think are, someone will love you. Cheesy right? When my dad told me this story, I scrunched up in a ball and had a cringe attack. But I realised it's meaning is a lot deeper.

As I was packing, I thought about Fylin and Sven and how they defied their gender and tradition to love each other. I wish I had someone like that...

Whilst deep in thought, I heard and smelt Rhonwen. I try to hide my bag away when she snatches it from my hand.

"Where're you going?" grins Rhonwen.

"Doesn't matter," I mumble.

"Oh, it doesn't matter does it? So, you wouldn't mind me telling Dworlin about this..."

"No!" I repiled, too quickly, "no, I was going to..uh..the market in Jord."

"Oh, Ok." Her cheeks started to flush from embarrassment. How did she believe me so quickly?

"How dare you defy you Alpha's child's word! Get out of my sight!" I say, a bit too cockily.

She gives my a short nod then shuffles away. Once she left, I laughed so much my abs would grow to the size of Fylin's strong and toned....where was I going? Oh, right.

After that incident I sprinted towards the outskirts of the camp. Where is he?

"Fylin!" I whisper. Then before I knew it, a wolf with light brown/blonde fur knocks me over and licks my face.

"Stop! It tickles!" I laugh. He jumps off and starts to run away, he's not getting away that easily. I start to morph into my wolf. I then sprint after him.

After around 10 minutes of running we reach the edge of the Miau territory.

Is Sven here? I think to him (wolves can't talk so we think to each other instead).

I can smell him but go human, incase their boarder patrol smells us. I turn human as well as Fylin and he starts to run towards something I can't see. It's Sven.

"Hello, Ayra," How does he know my name? "Fylin has told me so much about you." Oh. He shakes my hand, what a Miau.

"Nice that you now know so much about each other," Fylin says sarcastically, "but we need your help. There's a rumour in our pack that says your kind is going to attack. Is this true?"

"Niet. I wanted to talk to you as there is a rumour that your kind is planning to attack our camp. Something's wrong." replied Sven.

"So that means both sides will be gearing up for war due to a fake rumour!"

"This doesn't have to be the case, Ayra." said Fylin.
"I've got a plan. We could get Sven's Alpha, Phocas, and Dworlin to talk or we will have to find out who made this rumour up and why."

"Ok," said Sven, "I'll ask Phocas about the meet up and we'll sort this out in no time." I could see he was being trying to be optimistic but his happiness annoyed me.

"We should go," I said "I'll talk to Dworlin and you try to find out about who made this rumour up."

"Good idea. Thank you Sven, for meeting up with us." Fylin gave Sven a long and loving hug before turning to wolf form and running off back home and I followed.

But something wasn't right. I followed Fylin's scent yet it smelt different. It wasn't going the right way back to camp and smelt more feminine.


What was she doing out here? I decided to divert from Fylin's scent an go towards Rhonwens. It took around 5 minutes for me to see her. I went into human form and hid in the bracken.

"Do they suspect anything?" She said.

"No, but they are trying to find out they want Phocas to meet up with Dworlin and discuss about this rumour."

"That's a shame, I did like Dworlin as an Alpha. But once I'm done with him and that brat if his, I'll be the best Alpha the Islett pack has ever seen." Shouted Rhonwen. She's insane. A she can't be Alpha. No one else can be an Alpha apart from the Alpha family.

"Hey! What about our deal..." he whispered, "you will kill Phocas, I become Alpha and then we unite, Miau and Wolves alike, and overthrow the centaurs, the satyrs and vampires."

"All in good time. I now need you to go and get Dworlin's brat and bring her to me the night before the New Moon which is around.... can you smell that?"

God dammit! They smelt my fear scent. I runaway in wolf form. How do I break the news to Fylin that his sister is planning to kill my father?

A tear runs down my red eye when I realise the person Rhonwen was talking to wasn't some random Miau but someone important. But not to me, to Fylin.


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