Part 1 - Prologue

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Casor P.O.V

Fire. So much fire. Where did it come from? All I did was go for a walk and look at my territory, but somehow the whole forest was ablaze.

I hear howling in the distance. Definately the Islett Alpha or as I call him, my dad.

"Papa!" I scream. I should have listened to papa. He said to say in the camp but I didn't listen. I wanted to prove that my transformation would happen like my sister who is 6 years young than me. I wanted to prove that my inner wolf was coming by scouting the territory and catching a rabbit or two for the first time.

Why was I so naive? I now must find a way to apologise to Papa and tell him how wrong I was, but there's one problem, the fire is blocking my path. My pack's howling is coming from behind the flames so I try to get through when a flame as white as the moon licks my arm.

Pain sears through my right arm and I'm sure there's blood, and lots of it. I decide that my only option is to run to the Miau Clan, which is on the other side of the plateau as I do not want to face that pain again.

Being a wolf (well, half wolf) is very beneficial as the stamina it gives you is more than any human can imagine. But with blood pouring down you arm and your consciousness slowly fading, I find that one step is exhausting.

I can scent the Miau Clan's territory and I have no option but to walk into their camp and hope for assistance.

I'm not sure how long I've been in the Miau territory for but I need to rest. I slump down by a tree, it feels so good to sit down. My arm still burns and I start to sob. Is this the price I pay for my stupidity? I start to drift off, feeling sorry for myself then BAM! I jump straight up.

I smell the Miau people coming this way or are they already here? Although I cant tell the difference but slowly and steadily I start to stand. As I walk away from my resting place, I hear a crunch of snow but my reactions are toolate. Someone has a knife to my throat and holds me very tightly around the neck.

"What are you doing here, Casor Hache?" said the Miau in his heavy accent (a Miau accent is similar to a Russian accent). From the voice I can tell that he is a man, around 17, and he is not afraid to kill.

"I...I was l..looking for some territory is in danger and I n..need some medical help." I say with a stutter. I am so scared.

Just as I say this, 2 younger Miaus come forward, one girl and one boy.

"Now young ones. Remember what I said about the scum we call the Islett Pack," smiled the Miau man.

"Ya! You said that they stole our territory and now want to kill us all," said the girl Miau.

"That is right Maria. They are ruthless, they beat their own children and eat Miaus like us," he said, still grinning (all completely fake).

He turned to look at me.

"Your filth killed my mother, brother, son!" His voice was pure revenge. "Now it's my turn to return the favour."

Before I could ask what he meant, his knife went straight through my stomach and then it was white, so very white.

My last thoughts were if my father, Dworlin, and my dear sister.

My sister, Ayra Hache.

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