1. Mine

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Song Juha huffed for nth time looking at the direction from which several students were popping but not the one of his likings.

What is he even doing in there when both taeyi and Seheon both are out?

He wondered but the thought ended up reminding him of the two boys who stood beside him but in their own world. Juha cringed at them before looking the gates of building again.

I shouldn't have waited for him in the first place.

He mentally kicked himself for easily giving in to Doyoon's demands when it comes to there re-- ugh whatever it was.

He trembled at the thought of naming their bond but he had decided to himself that he would take one step at a time with Doyoon no matter how hard it would be, he would do it for the boy who always sticked around him even when things were hard on both ends. He sighed at the bitter memories but instantly brushed them off too when his mood further dampened. He then drifted his thoughts towards how his life had changed the moment he confessed to Doyoon that he couldn't bear his ignorance. It was a moment of weakness for him, he was helpless and he clinged to Doyoon as if he was his life which indeed was turning true.

He is my life but quite an annoying one. If he doesn't come out now, then forget it, i will walk off.

He challenged himself half knowing that no matter what, he would definitely stay for the younger as they had decided to spend some time together before the hectic exam week starts.

He annoyingly glared at the students coming out to which they all got terrified at the mere sight and ran off his sight immediately, Taeyi and Seheon didn't even bother to tell him off which was fine by him. He continued glaring until his eyes landed on a certain blue haired boy talking animatedly to his sister Juhee.

Here he was waiting for him since several minutes and he was busy with Juhee, the thought pissed Juha off so much that without thinking much about the surrounding he walked towards the duo.

"Oh hyung you got out soon?" Doyoon said happily noticing the older approaching him as he had expected that the elder would make him wait and not the other way round.

"Yeah and you made me wait for 18 minutes, idiot." Juha said annoyingly.

"So what oppa? Are you going to hit him for that?" Juhee piped in, fueling her brother's anger.

"Huh?" Juha got surprised as after his confession all he had done was to try to help Doyoon let alone hit him. He would not hit him ever.

"Why do you think I will hit him? And even if that's the case you shouldn't interfere in our business." Juha coldly replied making Doyoon get a bit uneasy at the sibling's fight, he looked towards Taeyi and Seheon for help but those two already were walking away.

"I will interfere, you can't keep on bullying him. Please get a life." Juha had enough of her lecture, she had no idea about what was going on between the two boys but here she was being so protective of his boy.

Did she started liking Doyoon now?

The thought terrified him to no extent.

"Go home, text me when you reach and you are not going to talk with him from now on." He commanded signaling towards Doyoon and once he finished, he held Doyoon's hand and stormed off without waiting for her answer.

"Hyung, people noticed." Doyoon uttered once they were alone on street

"I don't care anymore." Juha huffed out of jealousy which piped in him because of his own sister.

"Really?" The younger got instantly excited at the thought of Juha accepting them in front of others.

"Hmm and how dare you make me wait for so many minutes with those two idiots? There pda is getting worse." He complaint to him like an annoyed kid.

"I bear them all day, and you are complaining after just few minutes. I wish you were in our class too." Doyoon suggested immediately imaging the scenario of being in same class with Juha.

"You want me to fail my exams to get in your class?" Juha concluded raising his eyebrow.

"You can do that? That would be awesome if we--" he got cut off in between by Juha.

"I ain't doing that." 

"Anyway, why can't I talk to Juhee?"Doyoon asked to change the topic or else he could worsen his hyung's mood with his hypothetical scenarios.

Because I don't want my sister as a love rival.

"No reason." Juha stated looking in a different direction.

"Hyung please!" Doyoon pleaded but he couldnt just tell the boy that he was scared to loose him.

"Shut up or I will go home." 

"Ok ok don't get angry on me now. Let's go and eat something."

"They both entered a cafe, ordered their favorite meals.

"Hyung?" Doyoon softly called him to get his attention when Juha was busy on his phone.

"Hmm." He looked up from his phone to meet the gaze of Doyoon.

"If Juhee liked me instead of Taeyi then what would you have done in that case? Why am i even asking of course you would--" He ended the sentence in low voice as he knew that the elder could do anything for his sister.

"I wouldn't have given up on you even for Juhee, you are mine. I dont share whats mine. " He blurted out.

"And hypothetically even if she would have liked you, it's not like i would have let you move on from me." he added cheekily making Doyoon amaze once again.

"Thats true, i couldn't move on from you even if i wanted." He told the elder making Juha uneasy a bit, it was all new for him and he felt guilty in that very moment.

"Hyung don't feel guilty, after all you are tolerating me now." Doyoon cheered him with a big smile on his face which the elder couldn't help but return.

"I like you so much hyung." Doyoon confessed out of blue making Juha choke on the piece of tteokbokki.

"Why are you saying it out of blue like that?" He said in between his coughs to which the younger just laughed.

"I like your reactions thats why." Juha shook his head at the cheeky reply.

"Don't test my patience Doyoon--"

"But you can test mine. I am here for you until you can say the same to me as well." Doyoon told him. The elder boy just nodded his head slightly.

"Don't say that while we are eating, i don't want to die young." Juha joked making the younger laugh at him.

The end

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