2. Patching up and ice creams.

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"Don't you dare demand a relationship from me now." Juha blurted out in Doyoon's embrace mostly worrying about his impulsive nature.

"Deh Hyung, i will not kiss you out of a sudden and not ask for a relationship but can we stay like this for a few more minutes?" he asked with a soft smile dancing on his lips as he embraced the older.

Juha didn't say anything instead stopped wriggling out of his embrace and stay put on his place, putting significantly less weight on Doyoon so that the boy doesn't feel tired holding him. This was a huge green signal to Doyoon that the elder was now allowing him in and not pushing him off.

"Can i stand now? My bruises hurt a lot." Juha uttered softly after several minutes as the mental pain was gone but physical pain was now getting unbearable now. Doyoon immediately left him and looked at him worried.

"Did you fight with Taeyi? Damn he is strong." Doyoon said looking at the bruises.

"He isn't stronger then me. He just pushed me off." Juha explained not liking Doyoon praising that Taeyi in front of him.

"Then how did you get these?" He questioned making Juha look away.

"I am not telling you."

"Hyung you need to tell me who did this or i have my ways too." Doyoon almost ordered him examining the bruises closely

"What ways are you talking about? Ahh--" Juha questioned but when Doyoon accidentally touched his bruise on the neck, he couldn't help but wince in pain.

"i will tell you but first you need patching up." Doyoon confirmed.

" What do you mean by patching up? I am not a doll Doyoon." Juha warned but Doyoon dragged him to the medical room but found it empty instead.

"When there should be a doctor, there is none, what are they even doing with all the money students pay them with?" Doyoon muttered making Juha amazed at the the younger's attitude. How sunshiny Doyoon always was but now he was spitting fire himself.

"It's fine i can take care of myself just search the first aid kit for me." Juha asked while settling on the bed and watching Doyoon hurriedly searching for the box mumbling curses at the medical staff for hiding the first aid as if it had treasure of the world in it. A teasing smile appeared on Juha's face but when Doyoon turned towards him with the box he immediately covered it with a blank look.

"Why were you smiling hyung?" He asked the obvious walking closer to him.

"I didnt smile." Juha replied blankly.

"You did."

"Your eyes need a checkup then." Juha gave a reply which was his defence mechanism, although he didn't want to use it on Doyoon now but he couldn't help.

"I am letting you off this time because you are hurt, next time these kinda cold words from you will not be good for you." Doyoon said a bit softly looking straight in his eyes.

"Are you threatening me?" Juha tried to take the box from him but Doyoon didn't let him indicating that rebelling against him would not help him much, he gave up.

"Kind off."

"You ah--" Juha winced as his wound on the face burnt due to contact with antiseptic liquid.

"Shh, let me focus or i will kiss you to shut you up." Juha looked at him wide eyed in absolute horror.

This was enough to shut up Juha and instead he focused on the smug smile, the boy had the whole time while he was bandaging the bruises Doyoon could see from his eyes, he wanted to wipe that smug smile off his face but at the same time he was scared of the consequence of it too specially because Doyoon had already warned him about his intentions of kissing him, he didnt want to risk doing something wrong in Doyoon's eyes and then getting kissed by him in the school premises at least. He needed to control his temper around Doyoon in school from now on.

"Done, are you feeling pain anywhere else?" Doyoon asked softly after several minutes of silence to which he nodded in no, wanting to maintain some distance from the lad.

"Sure?" He asked again not moving away from Juha even a bit.

"Yes now get off me." He uttered a bit blankly but the next thing which happened, raised his heart beats. Doyoon just bent down to kiss his cheek careful of all his physical wounds before getting away from him.

"Why did you do that?" Juha asked dumbfoundedly.

"That was your reward for quietly getting patched up." Doyoon answered back snickering.

"But you promised you wouldnt kiss me out of a sudden like that." Juha reminded him like a kid.

"Did I?" Doyoon playfully asked making the elder boy glare at him.

"Get lost." Juha huffed before standing up on his feet and instantly Doyoon was by his side to support him if needed. This was the thing he missed all these days when the younger ignored him, Doyoon being on his side always.

"Do you need rest? We can leave early if you want." Doyoon suggested looking at the older in pain.

"I am fine, you go to your class and i will head to mine." He ordered which got royally ignored as Doyoon didn't move away.

"We will meet after the school, i will walk you home." Doyoon told him.

"What do you think i am? I can walk back on my own." Juha replied back not liking this treatment at all.

"No, you cannot, these bruises on you are proof that something happened on your way to home because in school everyone fears you enough to not do this to you. So, I am walking you home hyung." Juha almost gaped at the estimation Doyoon came up with without him uttering a single word to him.

"And what if you get hurt as well?" Juha asked softly.

"After all these years of getting bullied i have become much stronger hyung, i will handle it." Doyoon told him with a smile but Juha was not letting that happen from now on.

'No, i am not letting anyone harm you. Not on my watch.' he thought before they walked out.

"Hyung do you want icecream?" Doyoon asked as they were passing the cafeteria now.

"No thanks." Juha replied looking at the passing by students.

"But i want one so you are coming with me." Doyoon announced.

"You--" Juha wanted to say something to him shut his mouth as soon as his eyes met with Doyoon's mischievous one's.

"Fine." He said having no option and they both went to the cafeteria. It seemed that Juha wanted changed his mind and got himself an ice-cream as well.

"But you said--"

"Watching you eat ice cream would be a bit suspicious so i got myself one too." Juha explained and was about to tear the wrapper of ice cream when Doyoon snatched it from him.

"What are you doing?" Juha asked as he saw the younger taking pictures of two ice creams on his phone.

"We need a picture of it after your confession it's our first da-- i mean hang out." Doyoon almost said the word Date out loud but the glare from Juha stopped him immediately.

"Good thing that you didnt say it." Juha uttered uneasily looking at the several students but to his surprise no one bothered to give them a second glance which meant they looked normal like any other friends. But then why was he getting this unsettling feeling when it seemed normal to others. And the important thing was, he was wanting more of it instead of getting rid of it all at once.

"I will see you after school then." Doyoon said unwantedly after they had their icecream, walking away to his class after glancing one last time at him while Juha watched the boy disappear inside the building before heading towards his own.

The end.

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