3. Mission airpad!

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"Yes! Finally, my airpad!" Doyoon exclaimed with the said airpad in his hand as after winning the competition the four of them chilled out in Taeyi's house along with the winning prize. 

"What do you mean your airpad? It belongs to all four of us " Taeyi countered back grabbing the airpad from Doyoon.

"But we had a deal right, that I want it. You both don't even need it." Doyoon annoyingly replied.

"I think I need it." Yoon Seheon announced much to Seo Doyoon's dismay.

"Yaah Yoon Seheon don't do that to me." Seo Doyoon whined as his friends were now getting in the way of his airpad.

"We need to equalize the time." Han Taeyi suggested.

"But-- Uhh hyung help me please." He pleaded looking straight at Juha who sat at a distance watching amused at the three kids argue over an airpad.

If someone had told him in the past that in future, he would be performing on a fest with the three kids in front of him right now then Song Juha might have punched the person back for such a dead joke, but life was different now, he was here sitting with the three of them even though it took a lot of convincing from Doyoon to make Juha participate along with them.


After school, Juha was walking out of his building when he noticed a certain blue haired guy waiting at a distance, stomping his feet, Juha's heart raced seeing him, he then looked over to notice his classmates passing by which only sucked the air out of him. Hastily, he turned back and walked towards his classroom not knowing what else to do.

'I had told him to not show up like that but then when does he even listen to me?' He mentally chided hiding behind the walls of his empty classroom.

After waiting for several minutes, when he was sure that Doyoon might have run out of patience, he carefully stepped out of the classroom only to find a worried Doyoon in front of him.

He squealed but Doyoon just covered his mouth with his hand and pushed him inside the classroom.

"Hyung its me not some ghost that you are shouting." Doyoon answered back removing his hand from his mouth.

"You should have gone away when you didn't see me, who the hell allowed you to enter here."

"So, you did see me waiting, but why were you here, didn't you want to go home?" Doyoon enquired confused.

"It's my wish if i want to go home or not." He stuttered a bit before sitting comfortably on a random desk, looking anywhere but at him.

Doyoon shook his head at the elder's tantrum but thought to come on the point for which he was here.

"Hyung, I have something really important to ask from you, are you free for a minute?" He asked kneeling before Juha's desk making him surprised but still he nodded his head.

"Hmm." Juha hummed now looking at the younger keenly.

"Mission airpad." Doyoon uttered making Juha confused at him.

"Huh?" he managed to mutter before Doyoon continued.

"Hyung, our school is organizing a musical fest, do you know about it?" Doyoon asked to which Juha nodded his head as he had seen the poster of the fest kind of thing of the same.

"Well, in it there is a sort of competition where the winner gets an airpad and i want it." Doyoon told him

"So?" Juha asked not able to his find his connection with the musical fest.

"So i want you to participate with us." Doyoon explained not able to believe that Juha was this dense.

"Us who?"

"Me, Han Taeyi and Yoon Seheon." Juha looked at him wide eyed in utter shock as Doyoon suggested an absolute disastrous idea to him.

"Are you crazy or what Seo Doyoon, me along with you three meerkats? No way, find someone else." Juha straight away denied.

"Please hyung. I asked a lot of people before coming to you, you are my last hope or else my airpad would be gone." Doyoon pleaded dramatically making Juha roll his eyes at him.

"If you so badly want an airpad then i will buy it for you but i am not going to partcipate with you guys." Juha suggested instead.

"Hyung, airpad is very costly, i don't want you to buy it for me when we can easily win it."

"How are you so sure of winning?"

"Because with you by my side, i can even win over the world, its just an airpad." Doyoon softly told him to which Juha blushed at the remark.

"It's a bad idea Doyoon."

"We will be a great team, i now please hyung, for me?" Doyoon asked with a puppy look on his face which was too hard for Juha to deny and he ended up agreeing to him.


 He walked over to the trio and swiftly took the airpad in his hand.

"I think that Han Taeyi is right, we need to equally share it." Song Juha announced.

"What? Not you too, you were supposed to take my side! My airpad no way."

"Yes, now listen to your favorite Sunbae." Seheon teased Doyoon who gave them a puppy dog look.

"This won't work on us at least." Taeyi replied signaling towards himself and Seheon while Juha just looked away embarrassed on being caught.

"Okay fine you can take my time of airpad as well, anyway I wasn't interested in it." Juha suggested to divert the attention from him and not really liking Doyoon's sad face as well.

"Only if that was enough Hyung. I want all of the airpad for myself." He pouted stomping his feet like a kid.

"Ww can agree to give you this but we want something return." Seheon at last suggested earning attention of the three boys.

"I wanted to tease him more." Taeyi added earning whack on shoulder from Doyoon.

"Yaah Han Taeyi whose side are you on?"

"Not yours."

"Are you going to listen or not?" Seheon asked shutting there bickering immediately.

"Okay so the airpad is yours but you need to give us something in return."

"Done! I agree to whatever you say." Doyoon immediately agreed without listening the full favor.

"You didn't even hear his favor, are you an idiot?" Juha whacked his arm in slight anger at the dumbness of the kid.

"Relax hyung he won't ask for my blood, will you?"

"Ofcourse not. I am not a vampire, I want you to join the vacation trip with me and Taeyi, it would be fun."

"But i don't want to third wheel between you two, so can Juha hyung come too?" Doyoon questioned horrifying Juha.

"What? When did I come in the picture? I am absolutely not going anywhere." Juha stated.

"Doyoon you have to come with or without him." Seheon announced.

"Fine, I can do anything for my airpad." Doyoon agreed and then Seheon got busy with Taeyi talking animatedly about the trip.

"Hyung please come with us, i don't want to be bored seeing their romance." Doyoon tried to pacify Juha who looked unfazed.

"You signed up for this, don't drag me with you."

"If I am going you are coming too." Doyoon firmly said.

"As if--"

"You will come with us and that's final." He said before walking up to Taeyi and Seheon.

'What did i do to deserve this? Is my karma hitting back at me?' Song Juha scoffed as he glared at Seo Doyoon.

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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