3 ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ it's all about balance

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'The only worse thing than being blind is having sight but no vision.'

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Amidst the gorgeous range of mountains and waters of Caladan that line the planet in a perfect combination, cyan colors contrast the dark and almost desolate woods of the forest and rocks. And amongst those, a fighter spacecraft flies by at high speeds and is ridiculously low in altitude, doing brutal maneuvers between the rocks as if showing off. Leaving only echoes of thunder in the vast valley.

The ship eventually arrives back in the military hangar and lands quite smoothly as the ramp opens and three men approach one of their masked comrades. Said men were a squad of Atreides Commandos who were busy prepping equipment: swords, lasguns, rocket launchers, armor, shield generators, survival gear, you name it.

"How was it?" Lanville, one of the officers, asks, the two others being technicians, as a powerful and large man descends the ramp in a pilot's uniform.

"Stabilizers are too loose," he simply responds over the mask, removing his gloves one by one.

"We'll dial it in." One of the technicians speaks up as they walk past.

"Thank you, my friend." The man nods, ready to get off the gear, only to see Paul approaching.

"Duncan," he greets, and the man laughs in acknowledgment.

. . . 


"My boy," Duncan says, his arms spreading out as we hook an arm around each other. "Paul, my boy."

He steps away, his back towards me, as he tosses the gloves aside and starts removing his helmet.

"So, you're going to Arrakis tomorrow," I say, and Duncan turns around, his helmet off, to expose his sweaty and messy form. Yet the beard and his tied-back hair are still intact as always. "With the advance team."

"Yes, I'm going to Arrakis tomorrow with the advance team." Duncan gruffly says, like it's obvious as he removes more of his gear. "And you have your wedding soon."

I decide to ignore the fact that I was getting married in a few days. All I could hope was that this woman was bearable and wouldn't be too much of a bother. She might as well just be nothing more than a concubine to me if that's how it's meant to go.

"I'd like you to take me with you," I reply, changing the subject.

"You would?" Duncan asks, setting down his gear and I just nod. He gives a smile, clapping a hand on my stomach as he says, "Well, that's too bad. 'Cause no."


"Are you trying to get me court-martialed?" He mutters, starting to work on the ship as he presses a few buttons. "What's going on?"

"Can I trust you with something?" I ask, gathering up the courage to even say what I want to.

"Always. You know that." Duncan swiftly reassures me, making me feel a little better, and yet, something is gnawing at me on the inside.

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