4 ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆sparring and the spared

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─── ・ 。゚⟡ 🌕 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───


'Sometimes when things are falling apart, they may actually be falling into place.'

─── ・ 。゚⟡ 🌕 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───


My wedding day is at sunset and I haven't even met my husband yet.


At least I met his family. The Duke seems nice, and his Lady as well. I do wonder why she isn't Duchess... unless they aren't married for political purposes, so that makes some sense. Father seems to be warming up to the Atreides quite nicely for the time being, and Mother seems to be making friends with the Lady.

Paul, though... hmm, Paul Atreides. Interesting name. Regal. I can picture him with a more... simplistic look.

Caladan is actually gorgeous, and the views of the ocean are incredible. Sukari's are beautiful too, but something about Caladan feels... like I'm home all over again.

Wandering about to clear my head and shake off the pre-wedding jitters, I find the training room only to find someone else already inside. He's likely my height, thin, clean, dark hair... he's kinda cute.

I don't know whether or not to say anything, but he notices my presence, looking up at me. His eyes are quite an odd shade of green, and I recognize that he's definitely his mother's son. This must be Paul.

"Hello," he greets, standing straighter as he turns away from the attack dummies. His voice is odd as well. It's not smooth, but it's not rough. It's somewhere in between, and it's actually quite comforting.

"Hi," I simply say, clearing my throat. "I'm guessing you must be Paul?"

He watches me, trying to figure out who I am and how I know his name, but his gaze remains gentle nonetheless as he gives a nod.

I clear my throat, trying to change the subject as I extend a hand, striding towards him to meet him halfway. "(Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N), um... I'm your... bride-to-be..."

He looks up from my outstretched hand, and it's almost like he can't believe what he's hearing, if only for a split second. With a clear of his throat, he shakes my hand, and I notice that he's actually taller than me by an inch or two.

"Paul Atreides."

A small smile forms on my face as he introduces himself. He seems nice. "Uh.. well, a pleasure to meet you on such short notice."

I can see the faintest hint of a smile, though I'm guessing he's also apprehensive about this whole thing. "A pleasure to meet you as well. How are you liking Caladan?"

"It's... actually beautiful, if I can even describe it," I reply. "Different than home with fewer trees, but it's still an incredible planet."

Paul studies my expression, and I can't help but want to warm up to him and spill my life story as the silence starts to stretch. I didn't want this marriage to be awkward for the rest of our lives, after all.

I clear my throat. "Hey, Paul?" I swallow my sudden fit of nerves and ask after a moment, "Could we... maybe be friends? Even after the wedding? I just... I don't want this marriage to be awkward."

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