7 ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ trials and tribulations

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─── ・ 。゚⟡ 🌖 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───


'Sometimes we're tested. Not to show our weaknesses, but to discover our strengths.'

─── ・ 。゚⟡ 🌖 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───

The vast void of space cloaks the universe like a blanket. 

Never to escape. 

Never to be touched.

A small pod flies out into the night from an oddly shaped and cylindrical-like ship.

Voices chant instinctively as the ship lands in the rainy atmosphere somewhere in the woods.

And the only place that would rain this regularly... was Caladan.

Lady Jessica's hands curl in on themselves as she slightly shakes, sitting in a wide room of zen simplicity somewhere in the castle. What was meant to be meditation has turned into something bigger. She is emotional and strives to calm her heart and slow her breathing.

The voices chant continuously around her, like they're either trying to warn anyone who hears them or send out a message.

Outside, the Reverend Mother and her sisters step out of the ship and walk amongst the dark colors of the night, cloaked in water-proof attire and their normal robes, but only one wears the hat with an almost complete the control of the Voice.

. . .

Inside Paul's room, Jessica's shadow hovers over his sleeping and shirtless form, watching him with the struggling urge to either let him sleep or wake him up as the rain peacefully falls outside, staining the window with shadows.

"Paul..." The same girl in his dreams whispers his name, making him slightly shift. She's clear in his view. Cloaked in Fremen garments with impossibly blue eyes.

Why is she so familiar?

"Paul, wake up," Jessica whispers, shaking her son and rubbing his arm as he comes to, slowly lifting his head to look at her through sleep-ridden vision.

"What's wrong?" He lowly murmurs as he notices her gathering folded clothes from his closet and setting them down on his desk.

"Get dressed and come with me."

Sleepily, he gets out of bed and finds the clothes, dressing himself quickly. He eventually finds his mother once he's in his coat as he turns a corner with the wheel of light following, tugging at his collar to adjust it.

She's not alone.

Jessica steps away from the man she was with, with Paul's back facing him as he turns to his mother.

"What is this?" He quietly asks, clearly disoriented and confused.

"The Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohaim is here," his mother says. "She was my teacher at the Bene Gesserit school. She's now Truthsayer to the Emperor himself." She explains before adding, "She would like to meet you."

"Why?" Paul asks.

"She wants to know about your dreams," Jessica replies, not meeting his gaze for a moment as though she's hiding something.

Paul pauses before confusedly asking, "How does she know about my dreams?" His mother doesn't respond, so he asks another question. "And why is Dr. Yueh here?"

"He only needs a moment," the Lady says, giving her son a cryptic answer.

"Hello, young master," Dr. Yueh says as Jessica walks away and Paul turns to face the family's doctor. "Your mother asked me to check your vitals."

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