9 ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ an arrakis welcome

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─── ・ 。゚⟡ 🌔 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───


'The desert tells a different story every time one ventures into it.'

─── ・ 。゚⟡ 🌔 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───


Hundreds upon hundreds of enormous, pillar-like ships descend onto the sands of Arrakis as the people gather outside the safety of the city to welcome their new stewards. Soldiers stand before the ramp that will soon open, surrounding us in protection. Standing by Paul's side, I watch his gaze remain on the ground, enveloped by the darkness that's grown to become a comfort.

"Sheild." Lanville orders, and the guards activate their individual shield.

In the darkness, my gaze flits to Jessica, who finds Leto's hand and he moves to gently hold it amongst the armor he wears, giving his Lady a small smile even if her face is veiled by what she wears.

Even unmarried, love is still present.

Gurney, who stands in front of all of us, flips through the pages of a book as a metallic groan sounds, making him look up from the cryptic wording. The doors open, and Paul and I squint at the sudden display of light before we adjust.

Leto turns around to look at us, at Paul wearing a tiny smile, and then at me. Something inside wants to reach out and take Paul's hand like his parents did, but I'm too hesitant to do so, keeping it folded behind my back.

Is it too early to try?

Tiny grains of sand and spice roll at our feet as the winds sweep it up into our presence.

"My lungs taste the air of Time," Gurney recites from his previous readings, "Blown fast falling sand..."

An Atreides bagpipe player exits the ship, playing a tune, and I can't help but smile. It's definitely unexpected; Mom and Dad never had that happen to announce our presence. I'd be surprised if anyone mistook me for Paul's bodyguard instead of his wife. After all, I am... was a general on Sukari, so it would make sense.

But just for a while, I'd just like to be his.

Other instruments answer the call, and Gurney leads us and the legions out of the ship and into the blazing sands. An impressive force in combat gear: light armor, helmets, swords, and daggers.

He stops at the foot of the ramp, extending a hand to Lady Jessica, whose large, flowing veil is carried by three of the women servants, and instinctively, Paul turns around and does the same to--to me

Common courtesy at its finest.

I take his hand, smiling a little at the offer and he gives a small nod. Following Gurney, we look around to find small groups of soldiers holding up the Atreides banner, and I look forward, finding Paul smiling and jogging over to someone I find unfamiliar.

"Thufir Hawat."

Looks like a Mentat. Must be a general.

A huge smile is present on my husband's face and a smaller one lies on the general's, making a smile of my own form at how happy Paul seems. He hugs the shorter man, and it's definitely clear who wins the height contest.

"Young master," Thufir greets as Paul keeps a hand on his shoulder. "How does it feel to walk on a new world?"

"Exciting, to say the least."

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