026 Reunion

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Twenty-Six, Reunion.

      The quartet walked for hours, along the tracks with their destination set on terminus

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The quartet walked for hours, along the tracks with their destination set on terminus. A distressed Judith and an exhausted Lola slowing down the journey.

Eventually, they arrived, after many hours.

Crouched behind a sign and multiple bushes, they could make out a small shack and a man outside of it. Gunshots could be heard from inside of terminus— only signifying it was not safe.

"See, I knew the pretty girl with the machete was good news. Doubt she knows how to handle that thing. Bitch looks easy." The unfamiliar man spoke into a walkie-talkie, chuckling to himself as he dug through a bag filled with what seemed to be fireworks.

Lola frowned, unaware the man was talking about her mother.

Carol signalled them all to be quiet as they crept closer, her gun raised.

Neither of the four could work out what was said back, just his reply, "Yeah, I told Albert I want the kid's hat after they bleed him out."

The second the words left his mouth Carol's gun was clocked and pointed at the back of his head. "Keep your finger off the button and drop it."

Lola watched as the man tensed and dropped the walkie-talkie, raising his hands in surrender. "Listen, y'all don't have to do this. Whatever you want we got a place where everyone's welcome."

"Shut up, man." Tyrese cut him off, tightening his hold on Judith and slightly moving Lola to stand behind him.

"Were friends with the pretty girl and kid in the hat," Carol revealed and the man nodded at the new information.

Judith was passed to Lola whilst Tyrese and Carol dragged the man inside the wood hut, tying his hands with rope and shoving him to the floor.

It was damp inside, the walls covered in cardboard and newspaper, minimal furniture inside. Lola stood with Tyrese and Judith in the corner, watching the man as Carol riffled through his bag.

"They attacked us. We're just holding them." The man tried to defend himself, his voice wavering.

"I don't believe you."

"Who else do you have? Do you know their names?" Tyrese interrogated a hint of desperation in his voice at his longing to find his sister. Lola's ears pipped up at his question, just as eager to find her mother.

"We just have the boy and the woman, that's it," He lied, "We were just protecting ourselves."

Carol seemed to have formed a plan, slinging the duffle bag filled with fireworks over her shoulder and exiting the shack.

"How are you gonna do this?" Tyrese whispered to her, dipping his head down to keep their conversation to themselves.

"I'm going to kill people."

Lamb To The Slaughter, Rick GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now