-☆ Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ Tᴇɴ ☆-

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Violet woke with a start, her body tense and back aching from sleeping on the hard ground. She sighed. She probably wouldn't lie on a mattress for weeks.

She wiped her eyes blearily, they were slightly crusted with her tears from last night. Jesus. Why was I even crying last night?

Shifting up into a stiff sitting position, she lurched at a gross feeling from, well, down there.

Her period? Really?

She rolled her eyes. No wonder she'd broke down last night. Exhaustion plus PMS equals a girl in tears for next to no reason.

Crap, I need a pad. Woodenly, she got up, ditching her sleeping bag and walking towards Jorge and Bren's little area, where both of them lay sleeping soundly.

Her eyes landed on her bag. Brenda must have kept it safe here. Violet thanked her silently before grabbing the small plastic package.

It immediately made her think of Base. Groups constantly had to do storage runs, taking whatever they needed for the gang.

Recently, (before Base fell) they'd had to travel further and further out to get things, including pads and period products. Violet personally preferred pads.

Vi didn't go on many of the runs, but Bren was captain of them. Sometimes, Vi would be allowed to make special requests for things she wanted - and Sis would bring them back, as a little present.

Her chest warmed at the thought of that.

After getting what was essential, she left the pair to their slumber, taking her bag with her.

She knew not to stray too far. She left all the heavy stuff back at the camp. Just somewhere with peace would work out. Somewhere she could put the bloody pad on!

A little while of walking later, her breath caught. In front of her, a tiny woodland area spread out softly. The ground was plastered in dried moss, but patches held onto their fading green.

She wished for the comfort of the electricity and fresh food that was Base. But that was all gone. Her life was different now.

Sitting on a rotting trunk, she brushed herself off. Thomas recognised her. And Brenda, and Jorge. Her dreams, they had to be connected to WCKD.

There was no other explanation. At all. It fit. Her frayed memories - WCKD had stolen them. The fireplace, carpet, the cat, that was before WCKD took her. She didn't remember any family, though.

"Violet?" She jumped, her knife in her hand in seconds. But she knew the voice.

"Thomas. What the hell are you doing here?" She gritted out. He was everywhere, all the time, and she swore to god her eyes burned at the sight of him.

He ignored her question completely. "What're you doing?"

"Bow practise." She relented with narrow eyes.

His eyes shone a little. "Can I-"

"-No. Bow practise is usually done in solitude. So go away."

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